3 0 obj Following the murder, Lachlan Macalister wrote a letter to Governor Sir George Gipps via the Sydney Morning Herald in which he implicated the governor for the state of anarchy in Gippsland due to the lack of official protection. [6=ViWy|4X$l`DvNk#F/W/kO>{Z_:/\ 'lrgQvFY+fGQ 4\y~QVG[\^aeiQ>mx2k |#R[?#5M. In Chapter 4, he gives another rendition of the Gippslander story, stating the massacre was lead [sic] by McMillan. The second piece of evidence from Thomas is the record of his conversation with the Gippsland squatter Henry Meyrick in January 1847. 0000034566 00000 n [43] The fallacy of this secrecy argument is that it is contradicted by Gardners own evidence from William Thomas from 1845 and other versions of the massacre story that pre-date Gippslander by more than fifty years (see below). Among the most shocking is the Jack Smith massacre (Warrigal Creek, Victoria) in 1843, where about 150-170 Brataualang people were killed over 5 days in retaliation for the killing of one single personRonald Macalister, the nephew of a local squatter. Gardners cover-up conspiracy theory thus rests on an obvious misrepresentation of Hatchers account. [41] The conspiracy of secrecy is used to explain why Hoddinott probably with good reason, chose to remain anonymous, as the account implicated Angus McMillan as the leader of this murderous retaliation. The official reports from Tyers to La Trobe from 1844 to 1845 thus describe the situation in Gippsland where the settlers were being attacked by the Kurnai and their stock was being killed. [50] This raises two issues: first, this is a fallacious misuse of the material; Hatcher said the bones might be gathered uphis might be has transmogrified into Gardners were. There exists little to no official documentation of the Warrigal Creek Massacre. As Bell indicates the early 1840s certainly were . [37] Again, no proof is offered. In the spirit of this year's NAIDOC theme Voice.Treaty.Truth., Knox City Council and the Local Aboriginal Network are proud to present a screening of The. The Gippslander account mentions the Highland Brigade and a death toll of 100 to 150, but McMillans involvement, Scotsmen, the swearing to God and the Queen, and secrecy, are entirely Gardners creation. Thu 2 0 obj Gardner prefaced the following quote from Gippslander stating that after the murder of Macalister, An avenging party set out under the leadership of Angus McMillan , The brigade coming up to the blacks camped around the waterhole at Warrigal Creek surrounded them and fired into them, killing a great number, some escaped into the scrub, others jumped into the waterhole, and, as fast as they put their heads up for a breath, they were shot until the water was red with blood. The history of early Gippsland will invariably include many intersecting and conflicting narratives. He calls them The McMillan Massacres. I think the first thing for Gippsland is to acknowledge that it does have that history, like other places where bad things have happened, where massacres have occurred, where theres some acknowledgement of whats occurred instead of masking it, a Gurnaikurnai elder, Doris Paton, told the film-makers Andrew Dodd and Lisa Gye. [38], I knew two blacks who, though wounded, came out of that hole alive. Warrigal Creek is the site of an 1843 massacre in of Gunai/Kurnai people in colonial Victoria, during the Australian frontier wars. In a letter to his family in England dated April 1846, the Gippsland squatter Henry Meyrick said: .css-cumn2r{height:1em;width:1.5em;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:baseline;fill:#C70000;}The blacks are very quiet here now, poor wretches. Convicts were entitled to a daily ration of fresh meat, as were the military and the civilian authorities. Convicts under the control of the penal system in the Port Phillip District and elsewhere were notorious for their crimes against the Aborigines. Gardner claimed in June 2020 that Meyrick gave a death toll of about 150 for Warrigal Creek, which he did not. The stories were republished as The Book of the Bush in 1898. I ill not believe anything about aboriginal history that does not have the Indigenous Seal of Approval by the Bruce Pascoe Ministry of Truth. LGMedia. In the latter, there is no mention of McMillan at all, the death toll is different (many escaped into the bush), and there is no Bing Eye or Club Footwhich may suggest editorial licence in the original version. Unfortunately, in Gippsland, his diatribe against McMillan has been conflated with issues such as Reconciliation and Black Lives Matter. /TT4 13 0 R /TT6 15 0 R /TT1 10 0 R >> /XObject << /Im2 16 0 R /Im3 18 0 R trailer A trip to Gipps Land in April 1843 The Courier 23 June 1843, p.4, [8] Caldow, W (2012) Gippsland and the Van Diemens Land Livestock Trade: The Log of the Dew Drop 1847-49, The Great Circle, Vol 34, No. First, using the information Gardner misinterpreted, rejected or missed in Thomas, Dunderdale and Bell, we must accept the possibility or even the probability that an atrocity took place somewhere. One was a boy at the time about 12 or 14 years old. bHn=Y,8M*[+GwXfi1^yn}vSuvA@pN. Click here to subscribe. It may be student work out of Swinburne. endobj First though, it is necessary to establish the circumstances that led to the European settlement of Gippsland and the resulting conflict with the indigenous Kurnai people, which is the root of the massacre story. 0001064309 00000 n He recorded that there were fifty-five Prisoners of the Crown in Gippsland, nine of whom were in government service. Fri., 27 May 20225:00 pm 8:30 pm AEST, Siteworks Workroom 233 Saxon StreetBrunswick, VIC 3056. Sell more tickets through digital marketing. I asked him if he was not afraid of meeting the Blacks, his reply was, Blks Sir no fear of them now they would run away as soon as they see a white man but there are not many left, he said he had a Brother who had been in Gippsland from the first his name was Bunton & kept a Public house in Gippsland by the Dirty Water Holes & a cattle station joining to Mr. McAllister who was killed, that after Mr. McAllisters murder great slaughter of the blacks took place and that on his brothers station a cart load of Blks bones might be gath.rd up [49]. 0000115969 00000 n L4V n)p>WRMXBe*(ru)%]>9,ZUN \p ,_`s=L{5vs{Gw 2ngnBaz0&#Xk+_ q10 m [58] Apart from the perverse logic of this claim, it is factually incorrect. Can only find the trailer. Continue here for the tools you already love, but be sure to explore everything else 0000117321 00000 n Within a period of two years, it appears that Gippsland became a haven for escapees. In March 1840, twenty Bunurong men from Westernport escaped the supervision of Assistant Protector William Thomas to undertake a raid into Gippsland. Gardners reliability can best be judged by his rewriting of an inter-tribal massacre at Tambo Crossing. stream He added that one of the Kurnai involved in the murder survived and often re-enacted his part in the ambush. Establishing the factual basis of this will require in-depth research to uncover any written evidence before Bells account from 1874, as well as archaeological evidence at locations such as Bruthen Creek and Bundalaguah Swamp. The current awareness of the Warrigal Creek massacre stems largely from the writing of the self-published historian Peter Gardner, who contends that his work represents currently accepted history. >> /ExtGState << /Gs2 23 0 R /Gs1 24 0 R >> /Font << /TT2 11 0 R /TT3 12 0 R [23] Inwards correspondence Tyers to La Trobe 44/1367 p.5 PROV, [24] Port Phillip Gazette 21 May 1842, p.3, [25] Tyers to La Trobe Inwards Correspondence 45/324 PROV, [27] Tyers to La Trobe Inwards Correspondence 46/219 PROV, [28] Tyers to La Trobe Inwards Correspondence 44/2112, PROV; Port Phillip Patriot 12 August 1839, p.4, [29] Tyers to La Trobe Inwards Correspondence 44/1367, p.4, PROV, [30] Port Phillip Patriot 12 August 1839, p.4, [31] Gardner, P. D. (1994) Through Foreign Eyes, Ngarak Press, Ensay, p.45, [32]Gardner (1993) p.58; (1990) Our Murdering Founding Father, 2nd Edition, Ngarak Press, p.28, [33] The Guardian 6 March 2019; 8 March 2019; Gippsland Times 16 June 2020, [34] Gardner (1993) pp 6-7; (2015) Some Random Notes on Massacres 2000-2015 (on-line essay). [56] These accounts nonetheless provide evidence of the otherwise unrecorded conflict between the Europeans and the Kurnai at places such as Bruthen Creek. It was well-acknowledged and put on the register of the national estate around the time., The house was built 20 years after the massacre and stands just 20 metres from the site. Robinsons comments are significant in that he was revealing that escaped convicts were responsible for mistreating the Kurnai. Gardner omitted a part of the quote that indicates Hatcher travelled to Gippsland with a man named Bennett. They will be immediately recommended to interested users. He was shot through the foot and was so injured that he was called Club Foot.[39]. Events.com Browse is curated to help you find and attend events you love. This account is much closer in time to what may have happened at Warrigal Creek but Bell did not reveal how he knew of the massacres. Peter Gardner has written three books in which he asserts that Angus McMillan, The Butcher of Gippsland, was responsible for several massacres of Kurnai people. The Warrigal Creek Massacre | About the film When Angus McMillian and the Highland Brigade rode through Gippsland in 1843, they aimed to murder as many Gunai Kurnai children, women and men as they could. These stories contain the earliest known account of a massacre as revenge for the death of Macalister. An important part of Australian history, necessary for reconciliation. In 1845, Tyers reported on the Aborigines, stating: In the early part of 1843as I have been informed, some of the Corner Inlet tribe were occasionally employed by the few Settlers at Port Albert in carrying fire wood and in other light work for which they generally received payment in flour & cbut since the unprovoked murder of Mr Ronald Macalister by them at Port Albert, about that time, they have not been seen in the neighbourhood. %PDF-1.3 [2] His work has indeed permeated academic and public discourse, but it contains many unproven assertions that undermine his main premise, that McMillan was responsible for the massacre. The Warrigal Creek Massacre of 1843 was another despicable act of violence. It was, of course, impossible to identify any blackfellow concerned in the outrage, and therefore atonement must be made by the tribe. Many of the stock keepers were ticket-of-leave holders or assigned convict servants. HLWKf_e|~JD,@K&HSU}t?nO?7OWO?zW_/Vew}V53VfyKwVh{OM5{=+JUwPfQ}-nXY34lMXGz+{? I welcome you all to (insert place name). We are here to help! [2], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}374014S 1463957E / 37.67056S 146.66583E / -37.67056; 146.66583, Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 01:43, List of massacres of Indigenous Australians, "Victoria's Deadly & Proud campaign remembers Indigenous victims of Warrigal Creek massacre in South Gippsland", "Living on a massacre site: home truths and trauma at Warrigal Creek", "Victoria to introduce Australia's first truth-telling process to address Indigenous injustices", "Victoria to establish truth and justice process as part of Aboriginal treaty process", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Warrigal_Creek_Massacre&oldid=1141638012, "The Settling of Gippsland - A Regional History", by Patrick Morgan, published by Gippsland Municipalities Association, Traralgon, 1997. endobj Gardner claims it is a secondary source but it is, at best, folk history that he has embroidered with his own fiction about McMillan. Probably even as a child I just sensed something its a really spiritual place, she says. In my research for Bitter Harvest, I could find no reference, in original sources, to The Highland Brigade, established, according to the Gardner version of history, to seek out and exterminate blacks. The Warrigal Creek Massacre on Vimeo. 0000020971 00000 n Gardner himself refers to Nuntin as the station established by McMillan for Macalister on western side of the Avon River in October 1840. In October that year, ninety-seven Kurnai warriors made a revenge raid into Bunurong territory. GLaWAC has been given permission to screen the Warrigal Creek Massacre film at our office at Forestec. Viki Sinclair, another member of the group who is descended from a member of McMillans Highland Brigade, says: Its the first time around here that the Aboriginal groups came across with groups like ours to work on something like this and it was something important to tackle and do together. This 50-minute documentary directed by Lisa Gye and Andrew Dodd examines a day in 1843 when 150 Indigenous men, women and children were slaughtered on the banks of what is now Warrigal Creek in Gippsland. Both expeditions left Melbourne in April 1844; after battling through the bush for weeks, the two parties encountered each other near Alberton. Happy New Year to all. Perhaps the most apt way to name these outrageous and brutal occurrences is that they be called after the man who organised and perpetrated them: Angus McMillan. [45] Australasian 15 September 1923 p. 55; 31 January 1925; Glen Innes Examiner 31 August 1911 p. 6; Smiths Weekly 12 April 1919, p. 15, [47] Gardner (1990) Our Murdering Founding Father, Ngarak Press, Ensay, p. 40, [51] Stephens, Margeurita, transcribed from the journal of William Thomas; cited on Peter Crowleys website Snow on the Jeeralangs, [52]Adams, John (1990) From These Beginnings, Alberton Shire Council, Yarram, p. 21, [54] Tyers, Charles 1859 Submission to the Select Committee on Aborigines, Government Printer, Melbourne, p.77, [56] Gippsland Times 24 June 2020 (on-line edition), [57] Dunderdale, George (1898) The Book of the Bush, Ward Locke, London, pp.214- 215, [60] County Lands in the Parishes of Bundalaguah and Nuntin, 1857, W T Dawson, District Surveyor, on-line copy, NLA. 0000024560 00000 n Here are some resources for further research. Thats not to say they dont exist, but if you have knowledge of such I would be grateful to know it. To date, there is nothing to suggest that it will include Angus McMillan leading the Charge of the Highland Brigade. [45] Hoddinotts tale thus appears to contain generic elements from the period. Second, Gardners narrative is based on the assertion that the massacre and Angus McMillan are synonymous, but he has produced no evidence whatsoever to implicate McMillan. However, he has not included a much earlier reference to the massacre. 0000020673 00000 n ~]}.>xxs6s;^^`MjEa 5oA/P;uv!MU~86>>iBTju?#Ghnudlnr\;u?pIyo%# if+;J6fLA,4lMMhn]Zrg b_tr>b$3]wG4?mdw # 7Lw/_Mx+47nY;N9Uvs1;. 0000002903 00000 n 0000021061 00000 n I learned a lot I had not previously known, and am still thinking about. It really hadnt happened before and it just was not even acknowledged or recognised.. 0000005571 00000 n 0000030698 00000 n This provides a contrast to Gardners analysis, which is based largely on a story from a schoolchildrens magazine from 1925. << /Length 17 0 R /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Width 293 /Height 146 /Interpolate 0001003043 00000 n This documentary tells the story of the Warrigal Creek massacre of 1843 in Gippsland, Victoria, where as many as 150 Gunai Kurnai children, women and . The Author at Warrigal Creek 2016. [11] The violent response from the Kurnai was the same as that meted out to their tribal enemies when defending their territory. Where I live you can almost point in every direction [to a massacre site], he says. Use your same username and password to log in and you'll be Produced and directed by Andrew Dodd and Lisa Gye. 0000010851 00000 n Warrigal Creek is the site of an 1843 massacre in of Gunai/Kurnai people in colonial Victoria, during the Australian frontier wars. [15]. ktp33#`r[vhJ hR,t%434qrZQ7z As fast as they put their heads up for breath, they were shot.. 0001021671 00000 n At a quiet bend on a beautiful creek they committed one of the worst acts of indiscriminate killing in the Australian colonies. For them to do that and come up with a shared name was a major achievement. This land was never ceded. But we strive to be one people, equality of opportunity for all, no privilege by birth, truly one nation. [25], Tyers noted that the Kurnai were geographically isolated from all of the neighbouring Aboriginal tribes, none of whom could understand their language, and From this circumstance, the Chief Protector [Robinson] on his visit to Gipps Land last year, was unsuccessful in his attempts to communicate with them. The isolation from the other tribes meant that their fierce and predatory habits have received no check.[26]. But that creek, Warrigal, has seen unimaginable horrors. Food and drink refreshments will be offered (meat, vegetarian and gluten free options available). [11] Sydney Morning Herald 6 September 1843, p.2, [13] Port Phillip Patriot 23 December 1841, p. 3, [15] Fels, Marie Hansen (2010) I Succeeded Once: The Aboriginal Protectorate on the Mornington Peninsula 1839-1840 , ANU E-Press, pp 249-271, [16] See also: George Henry Haydon (1846) Five Years Experience in Australia Felix pp151-152 (on-line edition), [17] Port Phillip Gazette 30 April 1845 p.2, [18] Gardner, P D (2005) The Myth of Tribal Warfare On-line essay, [20] Geelong Advertiser 5 August 1843, p.2, [21] Sydney Morning Herald 6 September 1843, p.2. Considering that Gardner has political motives and a disdain for objectivity, his work should perhaps be seen as a political campaign rather than as history. One man was killed with thirteen spears, his body was mutilated, and his arms and legs were removedthe Kurnai were cannibals. This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 01:43. The Balderstones house is just steps from a humble waterway where up to 150 Gunaikurnai people were mowed down, turning the water red with blood, A massacre map of the frontier wars interactive. The Warrigal Creek Massacre, a documentary exploring the history of colonisation in Gippsland in the 1800s, is screening at the [.] They say they want to tell the story widely, and take down the monuments to McMillan the butcher of Gippsland. 0000024533 00000 n Before declaring Hoddinotts tale to be completely reliable, it would have been prudent to analyse its contents. The Chief Protector of Aborigines, George Augustus Robinson (right), noted that the settlers were not the only ones to suffer from the convicts: There is however reason to fear that before the arrival of the Commissioner a large amount of mischief had been inflicted upon the original Inhabitants by the lawless and depraved who had infested the port from Van Diemens Land and the Middle Districts [present-day New South Wales] and that the instance recorded (if reports be true) is not the only one in which the Blacks have suffered. Light refreshments will be available. [14], Conflict with the Kurnai was not restricted to the Europeans. The next day, while on horseback, he was speared through the neck from behind. [10] Caldow (2012) p.25; Caldow W (2010) The early livestock trade between Gippsland and Van Diemens Land: insights from Patrick Coady Buckleys journal of 1844. Gardner is dismissive, claiming that Some parts of this account are definitely wrong on the basis that Dunderdale referred to Macalister of Nuntin. [34] How left is open to interpretation given that his third book, Our Murdering Founding Father (a diatribe against McMillan), begins with the property is theft quote from the nineteenth-century anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. 0000020785 00000 n The murder of his nephew gave him both a professional and a family interest in chastising the criminals, and he soon organised a party to look for them. Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. >> Gunaikurnai people continue to visit the land to pay their respects. The Geelong Advertiser reported the murder: It is reported that Mr. McAllister was decoyed from his station by a party of blacks on pretext of having found a flock of sheep that had been missing, and that having got him to a spot favourable for their murderous purpose, they set upon him with their waddies, and despatched him under circumstances of the utmost barbarity.[20]. [9], With an overland route opened by McMillan and a rudimentary settlement and port established on the Albert River at Port Albert, squatters began occupying the plains; by the end of 1844, the entire Gippsland squatting district had been occupied. 2151 When Angus McMillian and the Highland Brigade rode through Gippsland in 1843, they aimed to murder as many Gunai Kurnai children, women and men as they could. [12] The first reported attack on the squatters came in 1841 when, it was said, 600 Kurnai attacked Macalisters run. [51] The latters wife, Lavinia, published a well-known account of their journey. 0000115891 00000 n From 1840, increased numbers of convicts were sent to Van Diemens Land after the cessation of transportation to New South Wales. And forward if you like. While the murder was well documented in contemporary newspaper accounts, the reports also indicate that by mid-1843, Gippsland was in a state of disarray. [42] Elsewhere he states that Hoddinotts desire to remain anonymous would seem to indicate that the telling of the story may have had undesirable repercussions. The answer is in three parts. Production and research by Danielle Bowen, Jonathan Boadle, Jakeb Fair, Alex Owsianka, Don Sheil and Ben Winnell. 2020, Cnr. George Dunderdale was the Clerk of Courts at Alberton and lived at Tarraville from 1869 to 1889. [59] McMillans Bushy Park run was on the eastern side of the Avon. It has influenced works including Don Watsons Caledonia Australis and Patrick Morgans The Settling of Gippsland. According to Dunderdale, Donald Macalister fired at some Kurnai without any provocation. [3] Their customs and society were studied in detail by Alfred W. Howitt, but due to violence and the effects of disease, alcohol and the mission system, much traditional knowledge had already been lost by the time he began recording information in the mid-1860s. Produced and directed by Andrew Dodd and Lisa Gye. This raises the inevitable question of whether the massacre story, based on Gardners interpretation, should be seen as historical fact or an apocryphal tale. Much has been written about the massacre of Aboriginal people that is believed to have occurred at Warrigal Creek in Gippsland in 1843. In the revised edition of Gippsland Massacres, Gardner reinvented the account, claiming the bones were carried away from the [Warrigal] Creek by the cartload. 2 0 obj [35] This simplistic reductionism obscures the complexity of Gippslands early history, evident in his rejection of Robinsons observations on the escaped convicts. Just before European settlement, the Kurnai raided as far as Brighton and Arthurs Seat on Port Phillip Baya distance of at least 120 kilometres as the crow fliesand they are believed to have wiped out about half of the Bunurong. This article has been rated as Low-importance on the . startxref 0000016727 00000 n %%EOF Please note and use or adapt the following words. We were hearing the stories all the time, especially when we were near the places or going past somewhere, my mum would always say, Over that way. Shed point the finger and say, Dont go that way. endobj We are yet to have a complete understanding of Gippsland in the 1840s. The Van Diemens Land convict economy provided the economic motives for the European settlement of Gippsland, which in turn led to conflict with the Kurnai. He was accompanied by George Henry Haydon, who published an account of their journey, which is also well known. Drawing on official archives and oral histories that have never died, this is the story of The Warrigal Creek Massacre. NAIDOC Week 2019. Gunaikurnai people have visited the land for years to pay their respects, giving Balderstone some understanding of the pain and intergenerational trauma they still experience. It also suggests that the squatters were unprepared for the resistance they faced. [60] Dunderdales geography was correct and it is just possible he knew who he was referring to, given that he arrived in the district just twenty-six years after the event he describedwell within living memory. Gardners evidence for Angus McMillans involvement in the Warrigal Creek massacre consists of a story written for The Gap school magazine in 1925 by William Hoddinott under the pseudonym of Gippslander. [16] The Port Phillip Gazette reported in April 1845: A report has been current that a whole tribe of blacks has been extirpated in the Gipps Land country, by the Western Port or Port Phillip blacks, led on by several of the Mounted Black Police; we understand that an investigation is now going on, and we may add it is one of the most extraordinary affairs we have yet heard about. 0000017382 00000 n The other forty-six convicts were employed on the squatting runs. Bookings free, but essential. 0000029696 00000 n 0000023940 00000 n This is a 50 minute documentary and is being held on Wednesday 5 December. It is about the importance of truth- telling. To discount Macalisters involvement, Gardner states there is no proof he was in Gippsland before 1848. 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If you have knowledge of such I would be grateful to warrigal creek massacre documentary.! Screen the Warrigal Creek in Gippsland, his diatribe against McMillan has been written about massacre! Also suggests that the squatters came in 1841 when, it was said, Kurnai! Boadle, Jakeb Fair, Alex Owsianka, Don Sheil and Ben Winnell the Gippslander story, stating massacre! Record of his conversation with the Gippsland squatter Henry Meyrick in January.!, this is a 50 minute documentary and is being held on Wednesday 5 December about the of. Their tribal enemies when defending their territory Henry Haydon, who published an account of journey... Previously known, and take down the monuments to McMillan the butcher of Gippsland of early Gippsland will include! As the Book of the Crown in Gippsland in 1843 n the other forty-six convicts were for. With the Gippsland squatter Henry Meyrick in January 1847 was on warrigal creek massacre documentary were. 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