Visa. He bought Twitter for $44 billion in October 2022 and owns an estimated 74% of the social media company. Hindi movies on Amazon Prime. Anthem. The top ranking company in diversity and inclusivity this year was Microsoft. Households with an Indian, Pakistani or White British head had the highest net property wealth (medians of 176,000, 115,000 and 115,000 respectively) and were the most likely of all ethnic. The Ten Richest Americans Forbes calculated net worths for the 2022 list of the World's Billionaires using stock prices and currency exchange rates from March 11, 2022. In September 2021, Musk became the worlds richest person. ), Bamileke-Bamu 24.3%, Beti/Bassa, Mbam 21.6%, Biu-Mandara 14.6%, Arab-Choa/Hausa/Kanuri 11%, Adamawa-Ubangi, 9.8%, Grassfields 7.7%, Kako, Meka/Pygmy 3.3%, Cotier/Ngoe/Oroko 2.7%, Southwestern Bantu 0.7%, foreign/other ethnic group 4.5% (2018 est. Reliance was founded by his late father Dhirubhai Ambani, a yarn trader, in 1966 as a small textile manufacturer. The list is dominated by American-based companies, while we also have companies from Saudi Arabia, China, Taiwan, and South Korea. ), Sudanese Arab (approximately 70%), Fur, Beja, Nuba, Ingessana, Uduk, Fallata, Masalit, Dajo, Gimir, Tunjur, Berti; there are over 500 ethnic groups, Hindustani (also known locally as "East Indians"; their ancestors emigrated from northern India in the latter part of the 19th century) 27.4%, Maroon (their African ancestors were brought to the country in the 17th and 18th centuries as slaves and escaped to the interior) 21.7%, Creole (mixed White and Black) 15.7%, Javanese 13.7%, mixed 13.4%, other 7.6%, unspecified 0.6% (2012 est. it is now like a mini-Nigeria where almost all ethnic groups . This limit made Papua New Guinea (PNG) an interesting oddity; as none of its thousands of groups included more than one percent of the population, it was considered to have zero groups and thus have a perfect fractionalization score of 1. You may opt-out by, How South Africa's Christo Wiese Sued His Way Back Into The Billionaire Ranks, Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska May Have Probed Vladimir Potanin Using Ex-FBI Agent Who Was Thorn In Trump's Side. His company has invested in financial services, real estate, hospitality, healthcare, power, oil, and gas. The most recent American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that median annual family income in Hawaii from 2006 to 2010 was $77,245. Walmart. Shaw. Then short seller Hindenburg Research released a scathing report accusing Adani Group of running a corporate con, which the billionaire and his companies vehemently denied. ), Guernsey 53.1%, UK and Ireland 23.9%, Portugal 2.2%, Latvia 1.5%, other Europe 2.8%, other 4.4%, unspecified 11.4% (2020 est. The Republic of Ireland is amongst the ten countries with the highest wealth per adult, according to an annual report compiled by Credit Suisse. Map of the richest and poorest countries in the world - Dark red: highest GDP per capita, Light red: lowest GDP per capita Global Finance Magazine Bill Gates 7. ), Falkland Islander 48.3%, British 23.1%, St. Helenian 7.5%, Chilean 4.6%, mixed 6%, other 8.5%, unspecified 2% (2016 est. )note: data represent population by country of birth, Sinhalese 74.9%, Sri Lankan Tamil 11.2%, Sri Lankan Moors 9.2%, Indian Tamil 4.2%, other 0.5% (2012 est. )note: Togo has an estimated 37 ethnic groups, Tokelauan 64.5%, part Tokelauan/Samoan 9.7%, part Tokelauan/Tuvaluan 2.8%, Tuvaluan 7.5%, Samoan 5.8%, other Pacific Islander 3.4%, other 5.6%, unspecified 0.8% (2016 est. The following chart highlights aggregate household wealth by race and ethnicity over the past two decades: From the last quarter of 2019 to the last quarter of 2020, total household wealth of white Americans increased by $9.58 trillion to $103.40 trillion. )note: data represent citizenship; Greece does not collect data on ethnicity, Greenlandic 89.1%, Danish 7.5%, other Nordic peoples 0.9%, and other 2.5% (2022 est. In November 2021, his fortune peaked at a whopping $320 billion. ), Chhettri 16.6%, Brahman-Hill 12.2%, Magar 7.1%, Tharu 6.6%, Tamang 5.8%, Newar 5%, Kami 4.8%, Muslim 4.4%, Yadav 4%, Rai 2.3%, Gurung 2%, Damai/Dholii 1.8%, Thakuri 1.6%, Limbu 1.5%, Sarki 1.4%, Teli 1.4%, Chamar/Harijan/Ram 1.3%, Koiri/Kushwaha 1.2%, other 19% (2011 est. Ivory Coast - 0.7723. ), Greek 98.8%, other 1% (includes Maronite, Armenian, Turkish-Cypriot), unspecified 0.2% (2011 est. ), Balanta 30%, Fulani 30%, Manjaco 14%, Mandinga 13%, Papel 7%, unspecified smaller ethnic groups 6% (2015 est. Here is the list of the 20 richest rappers in the world. ), Cook Island Maori (Polynesian) 81.3%, part Cook Island Maori 6.7%, other 11.9% (2011 est. Saeed Bin Butti Al Qebaisi is one of the top 15 billionaires of Dubai. ), Bengali at least 98.9%, other indigenous ethnic groups 1.1% (2011 est. . ), Baganda 16.5%, Banyankole 9.6%, Basoga 8.8%, Bakiga 7.1%, Iteso 7%, Langi 6.3%, Bagisu 4.9%, Acholi 4.4%, Lugbara 3.3%, other 32.1% (2014 est. Who Is Gautam Adani, The Indian Billionaire That Short Seller Hindenburg Says Is Running A 'Corporate Con'? )note: Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, is composed of more than 250 ethnic groups, Niuean 65.4%, part-Niuean 14%, non-Niuean 20.6% (2017 est. )note: data represent population by ancestry, Somali 60%, Afar 35%, other 5% (mostly Yemeni Arab, also French, Ethiopian, and Italian), African descent 84.5%, mixed 9%, Indigenous 3.8%, other 2.1%, unspecified 0.6% (2011 est. Four of Arnaults five children work in parts of the LVMH empire. Buffett has said he would donate 99% of his fortune. ), Serb 83.3%, Hungarian 3.5%, Romani 2.1%, Bosniak 2%, other 5.7%, undeclared or unknown 3.4% (2011 est. )note: data represent primary ethnic identity, Uzbek 83.8%, Tajik 4.8%, Kazakh 2.5%, Russian 2.3%, Karakalpak 2.2%, Tatar 1.5%, other 2.9% (2017 est. Guyana is a land of surprises, and the largest ethnic group of the nation is Indian, comprising about 44% of the total population. In fact, EPI found that in the third quarter of 2020, "there were no states where Black and white workers were equally likely to be unemployed." BTS. With an estimated number of 35 million people, the Yoruba tribe makes up about 20% of Nigeria's population. They constitute 4.4% of the population or around 186,633 people. The two classifications are constructed differently. NOW WATCH: Why the Dow plummeted after the Federal Reserve set interest rates at 0%, employment, home ownership, and generational wealth, Federal Reserve's Distributional Financial Accounts. Black Americans also increased their total household wealth, by $520 billion. Their language is the Ladino, a dialect of Castilian. ), Akan 28.9%, Voltaique or Gur 16.1%, Northern Mande 14.5%, Kru 8.5%, Southern Mande 6.9%, unspecified 0.9%, non-Ivoirian 24.2% (2014 est. Top 20 Lowest Paying Jobs In Dubai 2023 June 23, 2022 Top 10 Richest Tech Billionaires In India 2023 June 30, 2022 A report from the Center for American Progress finds that these lower levels of wealth left the Black community more vulnerable to both the physical and fiscal risks of the pandemic. ), Mestizo (mixed Amerindian-Spanish - in local Spanish called Ladino) 56%, Maya 41.7%, Xinca (Indigenous, non-Maya) 1.8%, African descent 0.2%, Garifuna (mixed West and Central African, Island Carib, and Arawak) 0.1%, foreign 0.2% (2018 est. To support this, the US-headquartered publication noted: "Today, 29% of Nigerian-Americans over the age of 25 hold a graduate degree, compared to 11% of the overall U.S. population.". Industry: Electronics, Information Technology. Top 20 Wealthiest Celebrity Chefs: 1. )note: 99% of the population is Latino, non-Qatari 88.4%, Qatari 11.6% (2015 est. )note: colored is a term used in South Africa, including on the national census, for persons of mixed race ancestry who developed a distinct cultural identity over several hundred years, Dinka (Jieng) approximately 35-40%, Nuer (Naath) approximately 15%, Shilluk (Chollo), Azande, Bari, Kakwa, Kuku, Murle, Mandari, Didinga, Ndogo, Bviri, Lndi, Anuak, Bongo, Lango, Dungotona, Acholi, Baka, Fertit (2011 est. Israeli American Median household income: $79,736 Israeli Americans include both the immigrants who came to America and obtained citizenships as well as their descendants. The report said the number of people who identify as Asian in the US has nearly tripled in the past three decades, and Asians are now the fastest-growing of the nation's four largest racial and ethnic groups. )note: 125 caste/ethnic groups were reported in the 2011 national census, Dutch 75.4%, EU (excluding Dutch) 6.4%, Turkish 2.4%, Moroccan 2.4%, Surinamese 2.1%, Indonesian 2%, other 9.3% (2021 est. As of February 1, 2023, she is worth $81.2 billion. Bollywood Films on date nights. ), Chinese 74.2%, Malay 13.7%, Indian 8.9%, other 3.2% (2021 est. Among Nigerian . )note: data represent the total population; as of 2019,immigrants make up about87.9% of the total population, according to UN data, White 87.2%, Black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est. 3 richest) fell. He moved into the number one spot after Elon Musks fortune fell in late 2022 as shares of electric carmaker Tesla fell. )note: data represent population by ethnic and cultural affiliation, Arab-Berber 99%, European less than 1%note: although almost all Algerians are Berber in origin (not Arab), only a minority identify themselves as primarily Berber, about 15% of the total population; these people live mostly in the mountainous region of Kabylie east of Algiers and several other communities; the Berbers are also Muslim but identify with their Berber rather than Arab cultural heritage; Berbers have long agitated, sometimes violently, for autonomy; the government is unlikely to grant autonomy but has officially recognized Berber languages and introduced them into public schools, Pacific Islander 88.7% (includes Samoan 83.2%, Tongan 2.2%, other 3.3%), Asian 5.8% (includes Filipino 3.4%, other 2.4%), mixed 4.4%, other 1.1% (2020 est. Over the years, Google acquired YouTube, got into self-driving cars and experimented with different forms of wearable computingincluding the Google Glass, which failed to take off. Mike Adenuga - Conoil, Globacom ( Oil & gas, Banking, Telecom) 3. Progressive. Amazon grew to dominate cloud storage and moved into movie and series production to feed Amazon Prime Video. He ranked among the worlds top 10 richest in the world on Forbes global rankings between 2008 and 2011 and again starting in 2021. In 1925, the world's largest deposits of the platinum group of metals, such as platinum, rhodium and palladium, were discovered on Bafokeng . There are 3 Jewish ethnic groups: The Ashkenazi: Jews from Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia whose language is Yiddish. In late January he was the third richest person in the world. Black Americans increased their total household wealth by $0.52 trillion, from $4.46 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2019 to $4.98 trillion in the last quarter of 2020. )note: percentages add up to more than 100% because respondents were able to identify more than one ethnic group; Romani populations are usually underestimated in official statistics and may represent 510% of Hungary's population, Icelandic 81.3%, Polish 5.6%, Danish 1%, other 12.1% (2021 est. The systemic exclusion of Black Americans from employment, home ownership, and generational wealth is not a new story. ), Hausa 30%, Yoruba 15.5%, Igbo (Ibo) 15.2%, Fulani 6%, Tiv 2.4%, Kanuri/Beriberi 2.4%, Ibibio 1.8%, Ijaw/Izon 1.8%, other 24.9% (2018 est. Slim and some foreign telecom partners acquired Telmex, the government-owned phone company, in 1990. )note: Republika Srpska authorities dispute the methodology and refuse to recognize the results; Bosniak has replaced Muslim as an ethnic term in part to avoid confusion with the religious term Muslim - an adherent of Islam, Tswana (or Setswana) 79%, Kalanga 11%, Basarwa 3%, other, including Kgalagadi and people of European ancestry 7%, White 47.7%, mixed 43.1%, Black 7.6%, Asian 1.1%, Indigenous 0.4% (2010 est. Buffett created the Giving Pledge with Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates in 2010, asking billionaires to commit to give away at least half their fortune to charitable groups. The government-owned phone company, in 1966 as a small textile manufacturer series production to feed amazon Video. In the world - Conoil, Globacom ( oil & amp ; gas, Banking Telecom. $ 44 billion in October 2022 and owns an estimated 74 % of his fortune 3.2 % ( est... 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