WHO ARE WE TO JUDGE ANYONE? You even felt free to publish secrets from the confessional in Freedom Magazine you just stopped short of labeling them as such, probably because you knew Scientologists would be horrified, knowing you so easily broke a sacred vow of trust with your parishioners. In his letter, he never makes the generalization that all Christians are bigotted or homophobes. Maybe DM should send Heber next time. I didnt have to search for verification I didnt have to look any further than my own home. clear I heard the same voice that professed outrage at our support of Proposition 8, who promised to correct it, and did nothing. Ps. You might recall that my wife was ordered to disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. His technical alterations include the destruction of training, the re-definition of instant reads and FNs, violating the "No-Interference Zone" Policy for those on OT VII (with unnecessary sec checks every 6 months) resulting in unworkability. She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? The bottom line is this: this is bad, bad news for the Church. Dave, back up what you say with facts. "for bringing honor and dignity to writers everywhere" I remember after the poor sap who was sued (the former CAN owner) had to give up CAN to the scientologist nutbags, CAN then became a new scientology tool. Another name Hollywood name, who was with Scientology for 35 years, is Paul Haggis, a screenwriter, director, and producer. Sadly, for humanity at large to embrace this simple truth would be like expecting intellectual discourse from a field mouse. How dare you use private information in order to label someone an adulteress? You took Amy Scobees most intimate admissions about her sexual life and passed them onto the press and then smeared them all over the pages your newsletter! * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti Oscar winning director/writer Paul Haggis defended Remini in an open letter published in The Hollywood Reporter. Haggis says the encounter with Breest was consensual and his lawyers have tried to pin the allegation on a Scientology plot to discredit him. *Ethel Levitt Award for Humanitarian Service Levitt & Quinn Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the church's anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. I find it funny how if you say anything negative about CoS that you are an SP when in reality the true SP's are the brain-washed drones who will try to harm you in any way possible if you publicly say anything negative about CoS. Every scrap of evidence I read or hear about ex $cientology members damns the organization more and more. Oct. 26 2009, Published 3:30 p.m. In order to contain a potential PR flap you allowed our sponsorship of Proposition 8 to stand. sociopath "I can't . We realize that the PR coming out of DM's office is terrible, and Scientology will be splitting into two sects soon. I joined the Church of Scientology thirty-five years ago. Thousands of years ago out of fear we invented gods to explain various diseases, weather events, earthquakes and volcanoes. My understanding is that scientology previously sued the cult awareness network (CAN) to not only stifle free speech, but to actually take over CAN. I attended 2 years of Catholic High School and wrote a paper for religion class about "buying forgiveness" and the dangers it presents - and got kicked out of school for my troubles. ), and wanted to add a few thoughts Copyright 2008. how did he fall for this b.s. It was a year ago. Writer: Crash. Prior to Leah Remini's break from Scientology this summer, Paul Haggis was arguably the most high-profile and outspoken celeb to resign from the organization. *EDGE Awards (2) Entertainment Industries Council How are things in the rubber room? However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. Paul Haggis; Church of Scientology; Haggis; Leah Remini; British Cuisine I just discovered this website, and frankly, I am astounded it exists. These were not the claims made by "outsiders" looking to dig up dirt against us. UPDATE: The Church of Scientology has reached out to Bustle, stating: "The accusations made in the film are entirely false and alleged without ever asking the Church.". Rathbun recounts in detail how Haggis manipulated and lied to the press concerning his letter of resignation, which was leaked in October 2009. You misunderstand the context of this passage in the Bible. *Signis Award, Venezia, World Catholic Association The interview lasted maybe ten minutes it was just you and the newscaster. The entire letter toof all peoplecreepy Church spokescreature Tommy Davis is below, but here are the highlights: Haggis has been asking the church to resign their support of Proposition 8. All those years of indoctrination by the priest and nuns in Catholic school took their toll on me. rinder But Haggis' most well-known letter was the one that he wrote to Davis to announce his departure from the Church. HBO In the wake of Remini's break from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter. -- from IMDb Mini Biography by: zkozlowski. I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. Far from being a principled decision by Haggis over gay rights, it was actually Rathbun who approached Haggis starting in June 2009 and coached him on how to make his exit and obtain maximal publicity. abuse HERE AND NOW is what we have..NOTHING else, so make the best of it to everyone's satisfaction. Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis is fighting a rape lawsuit in New York City. Check the stats. He became hostile, suspicious, depressed. But I know how easy it was for me to defend our organization and dismiss our critics, without ever truly looking at what was being said; I did it for thirty-five years. Haggis was on Sunday detained in Italy on sexual assault . The director's former publicist, Haleigh Breest, said he raped her in December 2013, which led to a $9 million lawsuit against the "Crash" director. Scientology's Danny Masterson DOES NOT GET ACQUITTED. for whatever the reason. But they would MAKE you pay by saying if you didn't you wouldn't go through the pearly gates. And when I pictured you assuring me that it is all lies, that this is nothing but an unfounded and vicious attack by a group of disgruntled employees, I am afraid that I saw the same face that looked in the camera and denied the policy of disconnection. The Church of $cientology continually shows us through the writings and testimony of ex-members that at it's heart and core of leadership it cares nothing for the eternity of the human spirit or freeing humanity it's all about control, programming, and destroying those who would dare question it. "I will always take their calls, as I always took yours. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. Even that, you decided not to publish. But then again, Remini also proudly boasted that she refused to vet the credibility of her subjects, and that A&Es attorneys let her get away with it. Hurray! Haggis is currently standing trial in a civil lawsuit concerning a rape allegation. Probe the depths or write your own honest reviews. An answer to the corrupt monopoly of Scientology. Good on you Paul Haggis! So, I am now painfully aware that you might see this an attack and just as easily use things I have confessed over the years to smear my name. * Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust You inspire me, and I support you 100 percent. in the first place? Sad. "During my twenties and early thirties, I studied and received a great deal of counseling. abuses I am still a church member because I am afraid to leave because of the disconnect policy and my family members who are active in the church. Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology Friday, 23 October 2009 22:57 Paul Haggis is the Academy award winning filmmaker who, in 2006, became the first screenwriter, since 1950, to write two Best Film Oscar winners back-to-back - "Million Dollar Baby" (2004) directed by Clint Eastwood, and "Crash" (2005) which he himself directed. I have to believe that if they knew what I now know, they too would be horrified. for 34 years. To help you draft your resignation letter, here's a checklist of what to include: Your name and address - Follow proper business letter formatting and place your name and address in a centered list at the top of the page. Tom Cruise could learn a lot from this gentleman On Friday night, Tommy huffed out of the ABC Nightline interview in front of four million viewers. reverse Frankly, I had to look no further than your refusal to denounce the churchs anti-gay stance, and the indefensible actions, and inactions, of those who condone this behavior within the organization. I didn't have to search for verification I didn't have to look any further than my own home. I look forward to a break-away group and reform from and within Scientology. * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights In fact, as Rathbun reveals, Haggis asked Rathbun and others to lie for him to Lawrence Wright, who was working on his The New Yorker article at the time. Despite all the churchs words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. All roads to the same place, some are rocky, some are straight and flat. Haggis is accused of . Where in the world do you get that confessionals are used to extort money???!! Fully developing his invented narrative, Haggis wrote a letter of resignation to the Church in 2009 that was then leaked to press, generating a media storm. You got to commend Paul for having the guts to stand up and finally say "enough!" * Board Member, Office of The Americas I heard the same voice that professed outrage at our support of Proposition 8, who promised to correct it, and did nothing. In order to contain a potential 'PR flap' you allowed our sponsorship of Proposition 8 to stand. And when I pictured you assuring me that it is all lies, that this is nothing but an unfounded and vicious attack by a group of disgruntled employees, I am afraid that I saw the same face that looked in the camera and denied the policy of disconnection. Now, Oscar-winning Crash director Paul Haggis' public resignation from Scientology has leaked. From an early age, Haggis was exposed to playwriting and theater production. Haggis also asserted that the church "ordered" his wife, actress Deborah Rennard, to "disconnect from her parents because of something absolutely trivial they supposedly did twenty-five years ago when they resigned from the church. That people could fanatically embrace the Christian Myth, based on the Jewish life and Roman death of the historical Jesus from Nazareth, makes it not so far-fetched to understand how they could fall for the L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology myths. Not have to haggis and letters and local business of resignation letter, now because his resignation letter. "I felt if I sent it to my friends. In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology. Why waste time on that, don't you have more important things to do? Breest will not look the other way any longer.". Lioness, I do not have the time or energy to go into detail as to why you are wrong here, however, you address a common, simplistic complaint, so I feel the need to comment however brief. "He wanted the church to take an active stance on a political issue, which we don't do. This website is a simple answer to those who tried to monopolize and corporatize spiritual freedom: An open gateway dedicated to helping people move up to higher levels of awareness and ability under their own steam. hiding This is why I'm not affiliated with any religion, which is my personal decision. He told me he was on the run from the Church and that he was afraid for his life. The Self destruction of Scientology, the Iron fist and dark heart, what sustainability? Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. They too are Christians. Are we going to see bloodshed before this is all over? Haggis' false story served as the opening anecdote and linchpin for a 2011 article in The New Yorker by anti-Scientology author Lawrence Wright, and Wright's subsequent book. UPDATED with more testimony, 5:09 PM: Back on the witness stand Thursday, Paul Haggis denied sexually assaulting any of the four Jane Does who have testified in support of Haleigh Breest, the New Y As a Catholic, I, like all Catholics living the Word, have a love for all people regardless of sexual orientation. During my twenties and early thirties I studied and received a great deal of counseling. The Scene: Pete (Haggis) and Lightnin (Rathbun) in conversation with co-conspirators. His resignation letter has been widely circulated. ", "Despite all the churchs words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. Excuse me? Please reread the letter. "The church of scientology in San Diego was put on a Web site supporting Proposition 8 falsely and I had our name taken off of it," Davis said. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. There's a huge difference between homo-intolerant and homophobia. Just because marriage is defined in the way it's been used historically does not mean that gay couples can't live together or be connected in some other fashion like a civil union. porn resignation from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter, Haggis spoke on her departure in a letter, calling her exit "brave. Ive attached our email correspondence. I just choose to not 'follow the rules' of any religious group. And many dozens of fundraisers and salons at our home on behalf of Human and Civil Rights, the Environment, the Peace Movement, Education, Justice and Equality. Yes!!! "the same face that denied the policy of disconnection". Haggis directorial follow-up to Crash was In the Valley of Elah which he wrote, directed, and produced, for Warner Independent Pictures. 0:00. Steven Hirsch. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology.". February 20, 2018. It can only do good--that is the sort of person you appear to me. But I am tolerant of those who chose to do so - that's their right. Haggis claimed that he was unhappy with the fact the Church would not take a stand, because two of his daughters are gay, and thus he independently reviewed negative articles on the Internet about the Church and decided to leave. Do we all have to risk getting kicked out to get ethics in on DM and others who are enforcing his tyranny? To see you lie so easily, I am afraid I had to ask myself: what else are you lying about? And he definitely has a point. * Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence secretly. I refuse to consent.". As Rathbun tells it: So he [Haggis] says, By October, Marty Rathbun got a hold of the letter. Well, I actually have an email of 23 August, two months earlier, where Im already talking with Paul Haggis.Not only do I have the letter, but Im getting detailed meticulous instructions about how to present it deceptively to media contacts that Ive established.Paul Haggis consulted with me every step of the way, on how he should position this and how he should do this.. But what happens when you are an adult - and someone of power like a city council member, senator or other influential entity? terror I have never pretended to be the best Scientologist, but I openly and vigorously defended the church whenever it was criticized, as I railed against the kind of intolerance that I believed was directed against it. ", Auditing should be confidential, we know the xtians (Christians) use confessionals to extort money. * Member and supporter, Equality For All That's not ancient history, Tommy. He's currently filming "The Next Three Days" with former Scientologist actor Jason Beghe, along with Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson. According to Vanity Fair, Boniadi, 32, was audited . The nuns distorted Church history and never taught the Church's abuses. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. We're a minority, we don't discriminate. OSA liars, the integrity is gone. * Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. Haggis testified the sex act went on for 10 to 20 minutes before . And that is when I read the recent articles in the St. Petersburg Times. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. Director Paul Haggis has already been the worst kind of publicity for the Church of Scientology, penning this letter in August 2009 in which he resigned from the group over its support of . And so, after writing this letter, I am fully aware that some of my friends may choose to no longer associate with me, or in some cases work with me. scientologist The film, which starred Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron and Susan Sarandon, was a suspense drama of a fathers search for his missing son, who is reported AWOL after returning from Iraq. *Image Award NAACP *Prism Award Entertainment Industries Council Now, Oscar-winning Crash director Paul Haggis' public resignation from Scientology has leaked. It sounds like a place that takes advantage of its members and doesn't allow for any disagreement. Representatives for Remini did not immediately return Insider's request for comment. Paul Haggis' resignation letter, which was leaked to the press, denounced the church's support for Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California. . His letter . ", "How dare you use private information in order to label someone an adulteress? You took Amy Scobees most intimate admissions about her sexual life and passed them onto the press and then smeared them all over the pages your newsletter! attack I think of all the children they could have fed or clothed - all on their own, in one afternoon. In September 2017, Remini and her Aftermath co-host, Mike Rinder, featured Haggis on their show. I've never been good at following orders, especially when I find them morally reprehensible.". "IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE AS WE DO, YOU ARE ENEMIES! But I read the article and most of the comments (my apolgies to the last 1/4 of responders--it just went on for so long, and understandably so! sexual Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology www May 5th, 2018 - Paul Haggis is the Academy award winning filmmaker who in 2006 became the first . Doing good works, from a Christian perspective, is to be done anonymously, according to the Bible - with no fan fare, no pats on the back.. nothing. ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY, Scientology, It's Computer Division & The Sci Fi Ancient Kingdom of Chug, Valeska Paris: Scientology Freewinds Ship ~~ Prisoner for 12 Years, Paul Haggis Resigns from Church of Scientology. He said most former Scientologists leave the religion quietly, but because he was a more well-known, he said he felt it was his duty to be public about his decision to cut ties with the church. It was a terrible time. Academy Award winning screenwriter Paul Haggis has penned an opus of a different kind: an open letter supporting actress Leah Remini's decision to break with the Church of Scientology. "Although it caused her terrible personal pain, my wife broke off all contact with them" for a year and a half, Haggis wrote. In 2006, Haggis screenplay collaborations included the duo Clint Eastwood productions Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima, the latter earning him his third screenplay Oscar nomination. Say what you will about them now, these were staunch defenders of the church, including Mike Rinder, the church's official spokesman for 20 years! And it also doesn't help them that Church defector Marty Rathburn has apparently confirmed the letter's legitimacy as definitely coming from Haggis. You also destroy the most fertile source of ethics". Every mission owner needs to email me to discuss the oncoming separation of missions from Corporate Scientology. This was the only way an unemployed high school grad like himself could pay for the multi-thousand dollar "auditing courses," which they convinced him would make everything clear. Paul Haggis. "If you do away with ALL religion, you do away with concern and charity for those you don't know. Anyone who was around knows that the beatings occurred. You even felt free to publish secrets from the confessional in Freedom Magazine you just stopped short of labeling them as such, probably because you knew Scientologists would be horrified, knowing you so easily broke a sacred vow of trust with your parishioners. I would respect his stance more if he were consistent. Every time a fresh scandal breaks out about this secretive and exploitative organization, I am reminded of Glenn. It's the same sad stories all over again. chairman In the late '70s, Scientology's Portland office chose to exploit a classmate of mine from Lincoln High. As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. It wasnt the first time she defended Haggiseven when she knew he was lying. scientologys * Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus The Catholic church has undergone quite a bit of internal reform since the time of Luther, although Sunday school teachers wouldn't want to teach it. Silence is consent, Tommy. You want to rebut her accusations, do it, and do it in the strongest terms possible but that kind of character assassination is unconscionable. In that first conversation, back at the end of October of last year, you told me you were horrified, that you would get to the bottom of it and heads would roll. You promised action. We're for civil rights for all people. According to reports, he said that. Silence is consent, Tommy. Director Paul Haggis's Sexual-Assault Trial Is Underway. Shouldn't the test as to whether a spiritual philosophy or religion is beneficial be that it actually progresses one spiritually? On the stand this week, Haggis said the church has tried to make his life a living hell. The best thing that the "mens club" known as The United Nations could do would be to outlaw ALL religions and make a brand new start for the world. money ", "The church's refusal to denounce the actions of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly. scientology we love the sinner and hate the sin. Screenwriter . So: this ought to be interesting to watch play out, no? Tie them up in litigation and make it expensive for them. Paul Haggis testified his resignation letter from Scientology helped Leah Remini leave the church. Mike Rinder could certainly spin a lot more convincingly. Oscar-winning "Crash" director leaves faith, admonishes Church of Scientology. Silence is consent, Tommy. Some stop by and smell the roses. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Despite all the church's words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. :-). We took the little test they gave (probably still give) and were told we needed auditing. You promised action. * Fundraiser, El Rescate Human Rights for El Salvador No action was forthcoming. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology. I told you I could not, in good conscience, be a member of an organization where gay-bashing was tolerated. With his resignation from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter to Tommy Davis, the former head of the Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre International. Highlighting Management Skills From Retail On Resume A priest would go to jail before revealing secrets from the confessional, no matter what the cost to himself or his church. Wanted to add a few thoughts Copyright 2008. how did he fall this! 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