
red tail catfish tank mates


Here are some of the Redtail catfish tank mates: Gars. The majority of their body is black except for their caudal fin, which is red. In the wild, they eat smaller fishes, worms, insects, tiny animals or even fruits. Can't wait for updates. In public aquariums they are put in large groups and remain peaceful, but they are in enormous tanks. Hikari Usa Inc AHK21966 tropical sinking carnivore pellets... Datnoid Care: Lifespan, Tank Mates, Diet, & Health. This long-whiskered species can be vastly found in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Peru and other neighboring countries.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'fishtanksetups_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',105,'0','0'])); Red Tail Catfish can grow up to the length of 5 feet in the wild. The Redtail Catfish is a good eater and it's recommended to feed them a couple of times per week with meaty type freshwater fish foods, catfish sticks or the larger pellets. The South American Red-Tail Catfish is a gorgeous fish to own. Breeding. Required Tank: 30 gallons+ Red-Tail Sharks aren’t … I am having a 10x2x2 (feet) glass tank housing two, Thank you for the fast response. Today at 12:59 AM. One of the most popular and vibrant species is the semi-aggressive Red Tail or Red-Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor).. Appearance. Gars, stingrays, datnoids and other large varieties can become good tank mates if they are clubbed together from a very young age. They do need the space so a hex tank is quite unsuitable for them (and the red tail black shark) but they are quite predatory in the sense that they can and probably will eat fish small enough to fit in their mouth. aka: RTC Cat, Red Tail Catfish, Cajaro, Pirarara. They would make a great choice for tanks of 55 gallons or more. Red Tail Shark: Care, Diet, Tank Mates & More December 12, 2020 The Red Tail Shark is a very exciting freshwater fish that has gained so many fans in the aquarium space. These species are also known as banana catfish, Flat-nosed catfish or antenna catfish. Also, the young ones need a place to rest and hide from time to time. I recently bought a 75g aquarium and was planning on putting a Red Tail Barracuda in it. The good thing is that red tail catfish can be trained to accept food from your hands. Also, chances of breeding are very low in captivity. Do you think this will be a problem? It has a dark black body, white underbelly, and a bright red tail. But they would be good tank mates for the Oscar fish. Apart from the large tank size, the Red Tail Catfish would need moderate level maintenance and care. Member. I’ve read stories of owners waking up to a dead red tail catfish because it tried consuming a rock that was in the aquarium. Can I keep them with chiclids and a sting ray. Stingrays usually keep to themselves. Size: 6″ Care Level: Intermediate. This is certainly not possible for normal hobbyists and only professional breeders or experienced aquarists should opt for this variety. They will attack the smaller fishes in the tank. Bichirs, like the Dinosaur Bichir (a personal favorite) make excellent tank mates for Catfish and they get along great.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'fishtanksetups_com-banner-1','ezslot_0',152,'0','0'])); There are no specific distinguishable features between the males and females. The redtail catfish (scientific name: phractocephalus hemioliopterus) is native to north-most South American countries. Fish Lore's aquarium forum - aquarium hobbyists helping hobbyists since 2005! So far the catfish hides behind a moss ball and haven’t caught him eating the bottom feeder pellets I’ve been giving him. There are videos online of people feeding them feeder fish and this is not recommended. They have a bit of a reputation in the countries it occupies d… Source(s): https://shorte.im/a97ES. It will make a marvelous pet that requires a bit more care and commitment that an average fish owner may be used to. Cichlids may bully them if they’re significantly larger. Almost all the varieties are huge in size and the current world record weight for red tail catfish is 56 kilograms. 9. I just recently added a red tail about 4 inches long with my Oscar fish who is very old but big. Red-Tailed Shark. Due to its size and high energy, this fish should be kept with larger tank mates. South American Red Tailed Catfish. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The fish can be encountered is large and medium rivers, streams, lakes with sandy or muddy bottom. It’ll last you some time before having to buy food again.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishtanksetups_com-box-4','ezslot_1',109,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishtanksetups_com-box-4','ezslot_2',109,'0','1'])); Red Tail Catfishes are considered to be hardy in nature with rare chances of diseases. Red Tail catfishes are easily recognizable for its feline whiskers on the mouth and beautiful red tail. Macrones wyckioides Fang & Chaux, 1949; Mystus aubentoni Desoutter, 1975; Mystus wyckioides (Fang & Chaux, 1949); Macrones wyckioidesFang & Chaux, 1949 Quick Stats. From my own experience Pictus are active, but tend to be so in lower light conditions. All Rights Reserved, Piranha Care: Lifespan, Tank Mates, Diet, & Health. So, while choosing tank mates you must look for species that are larger or are of the same size. As soon as they get to around 6-7'' the will be placed in the big tank with a Tatuaia payara and sengal bichir.-----If I could find more reds My goal would be to have as many barra's as i could find in one tank. They are generally brown or gray in color with spots all over the body. Redtail catfish tank mates A juvenile catfish could be very timid. This specimen dwells in the middle or at the bottom of the water. Brazil. Origin: The Red Tail Catfish are originated in the South American and Amazonian river basins. Redtail Catfish Tank Mates Redtail Catfish are very shy, so they can be housed with other tank species and will usually not be aggressive toward them. The countries it can commonly be found in are Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Guyana, and Bolivia. I am having a 10x2x2 (feet) glass tank housing two giant gourami (1 feet long) and 1 silver arowana (1.5 feet). oscarguy. In here you get the basic idea of Redtail Catfish before purchasing the fish. Introduction to Red-Tailed Black Sharks. Firstly, male and female redtail catfish are almost impossible to tell apart while they are young so it is difficult to purchase a breeding pair. It spends its time in freshwater river basins (the Amazon and Orinoco primarily), streams, and lakes looking for anything it can eat. Regarding tank mates for my red tail catfish. I hope that at least for the next few years the 10 feet tank is enough for the RTCs. 0 0. catx. They usually have a longer lifespan that can extend up to 20 years or more. However, in an aquarium they reach an  average length of 3 feet, reaching 5 feet is possible if cared for properly. RTCs get as long as your tank without the water, they need 1,000 gallon tropical ponds and get large enough to eat an Oscar, whole. Red Tail Catishes are carnivorous in nature and are natural predators. Frozen foods and pellets foods are recommended as they have the same nutrients as live food (maybe more) AND there’s no worrying about diseases being carried over. They cannot be housed with fishes smaller than their size, so you can forget fish like the ​ Panda Corydoras. Make sure to have the best filter for your large aquarium as possible as they are voracious eaters and produce a lot of biological waste. id go for the arrowana or the gar, i would stay away from more catfish. So, it is best to add some big structures like PVC pipes that can serve like a cave for your red tail catfishes. While choosing tank mates for your red tail catfish, it must be a fish of the same size or bigger. Once my RTC outgrow the tank I am planning to construct a big cement pond with glass panes in the front. You can keep a young one which I few inches in length in a smaller tank but they will outgrow their size in the first year itself and would need a bigger tank or an outdoor pond. Hello every one. The Redtail Cat has a broad head and body that tapers towards the tail. Aquatic creatures (such as Guppies, tetras,corydoras, snails, shrimps, crabs, etc.) Also the fish was acclimatized in waters of Thailand and Florida state (USA). I would put the red tails in a grow out tank then add them when they are close to the size of your cichlids. You must feed your red tail catfishes often, always make sure their belly is bloated as you never want to see it sunken in. 8 years ago. Give him a week or so and he should be eating in no time. The Redtail Cat can grow impressively large in an aquarium setting and should be given plenty of room to swim. I currently have a 14" Tire Track Eel and 4" Eclipse Catfish in my 55g and was planning on putting them in the 75g tank with the Cuda. The origin of these names are rather obvious when you see one. Yes, for the most part depending on the damage done. They will attack the smaller fishes in the tank. However, due to their huge size and a big appetite, only advanced aquarists are recommended to keep this species. I have 2 redtail catfish baby. This species of monster fishes are popular among fish lovers and are relatively easy to find. If it were my tank i would have the red tail, a tiger shovelnose, and then a silver arrowana. Your RTC should catch up in size in no time once he starts eating. Species that have the same size as Redtail catfish are the best tank mates for them. Do their fins and tail grow if they were eaten by another fish in the tank- he has been removed from said tank. JavaScript is disabled. The redtail catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, is a pimelodid (long-whiskered) catfish.In Venezuela it is known as cajaro and in Brazil it is known as pirarara, stemming from the Tupi language words pirá and arara. Even better, you can introduce friendly tank mates such as Stingrays, Gars, Black Pacu, Iridescents, and Datnoids. It is characterized by rather large sizes (up to 130 cm). Water temperature should be kept between 20 to 28 degrees Celcius. So, while choosing tank mates you must look for species that are larger or are of the same size. Be careful with live foods though, as they may carry diseases. They aren’t aggressive, though they can be territorial with similar-looking or closely-related species as well as their own kind once they’re full-grown. The ideal aquarium tank size for a Tiger Shovelnose catfish is a 125g aquarium to start. This is a demersal fish that prefers freshwater basins. Some specific habitats for this species are unknown; however, other Epalzeorhynchos species inhabit in rivers and streams or migrate to forests and bottom-lands during raining season.This migration connected with the fish spawning period is assumed to be disturbed nowadays as a res… The red-tailed sharks can grow to up to 6 inches. Red Tail Catfish Tank Mates. Phractocephalus hemioliopterus. Its range of expansion is very wide – from f… He may be stressed and adjusting to the environment. Aside from being a large species, they are also territorial and a predator. Redtail catfish have an elongated, powerful body. And they are with hujeta characins and doing good. Copyright © 2021 FishTankSetups.com There was a highly condensed population of Red Tail Sharks in Bueng Bora… Tank Mates. It would be best to leave them in your backyard pond or the public aquarium if you are unable to provide such big space. It is often referred to by other names like the Red-Tailed Shark, Red-Tailed Black Shark, Fire Tail Shark, and Red Rail Shark Minnow. When it comes to breeding in captivity this is considered nearly impossible for a few key reasons. I highly recommend feeding Hikari’s sinking carnivore pellets, what’s good is there’s a 2lb bag available. A prominent wavy white band stretches through either side of the body till the tail. Redtail Catfish 101: Tank Mates, Diet, Size, and More… Species Profile. Red Tail Catfishes have a tendency to swallow inedible small objects so you must be aware of this fact before adding any decoration in the tank.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'fishtanksetups_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',108,'0','0'])); As said above, red tail catfishes are voracious eaters and live, meaty foods are best for their huge appetite. But you should take extra care and make sure they don’t gobble up the inedible stones or other things meant for decoration. However they are territorial with their own kind as well as other catfish from the Pimelodidae family. Read More » ... Glass Catfish: Care, Diet, Tank Size, Tank Mates, and More December 2, 2020 They will honestly eat anything they can fit in their mouth. You just need to be careful with your selection. 180L is just about ok for a rtb shark provided there is good cover in the tank, As for tankmates I would go with a few other cyprinid species like barbs, danios, smaller botias like kubotai and striata, just avoid other sharks, and species like chinese algae eaters, flying fox, torpedo barbs etc that have the same body shape. The tank you choose must be huge as they grow very fast and attain their maximum size in the first year itself. The red tail shark will be compatible with such fish as gouramis, barbs, danios, rainbows, bala-sharks, iridescent sharks, red finned cigar sharks, pictus catfish, swordtails, silver dollars, angels, most loaches and even some types of cichlids. In the meantime make sure to keep your water quality in check to reduce stress and promote healing. The Red Tail Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is a freshwater fish that is found in Thailand. I have a 120 gallon tank. The natives of Amazon basin don’t eat red tail catfish as their flesh is darker compared to the other fishes. I have 2 red tailed and 3 unknown species at the moment. RTC’s are natural predators and will attack and eat smaller fish, so any fish that are smaller than them are not suitable tank mates. Red Tail Catfish is one of the largest species of freshwater aquarium fishes and for obvious reasons, they need a huge tank. Also most catfish are nocturnal, try feeding when the lights are off. They will eat smaller tank mates. Redtail Catfish juveniles are impossible to distinguish males from females. They tend to spend most of their time near the bottom of the tank. Ideal Tankmates should be robust, fast, and tend to spend their time in the middle and upper levels of the water column. It’s also best to house them all together from a young age. Lv 7. Gars are bony fish that live in freshwater. Red-Tail Shark. That is weird for me to say, cause i love them so much. To keep a small group of Red Tail Catfish in your home, you might need a huge tank or pond of 2500 gallons. Redtail catfish tank mates. Phractocephalus hemioliopterus inhabits Amazon, Essequibo and Orinoco river basins — from Columbia to Bolivia including Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil. Redtail Catfish Tank Mates These guys do best by themselves, preferably as the only redtail because it makes everything easier and cheaper. You can also train them to hand-feed from a young age. This needs to be cleaned to maintain good water conditions. The fish is endemic to shallow algous ponds of Thailand with clean flowing water (for example Chao Phrya – the Mekong River tributary). A red tail catfish too small to eat its tank mates may be able to swallow them whole within a year. I also have 2 silver dollars and 3 cichlids who are about 8 inches as of now. These fish aren’t picky! Oscar’s and Sailfin can also make good tank mates mainly due to their armored defense. Last update on 2021-01-16 at 05:39 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. This will even help you to take care of your fish. When you set up the aquarium for your Tiger Shovelnose catfish you should ideally cover the bottom with fine sand or large rocks. Who will disagree that there. Hello everyone, first post! This may injure your catfish or even kill them. Redtail Catfish – Care, Size, Tank Mates, Food & Details! Soon I’d be worried about your cichlids becoming snacks and your tank being too small, these fish have a potential to grow around 5ft long. Tank maintenance and water filtration are of utmost importance to keep your catfishes healthy for decades. General Information. Red-Tailed Shark. This is my first post in this esteemed forum. However, the biggest thing you need to be aware of is that Redtail Catfish will consider anything they can fit into their mouths as prey. This is my first post in this esteemed forum. Some suggestions to help them overcome their shyness include: providing them with cave areas to hide in (make sure they ‘re not small enough to eat) and keeping the tank in an area where you’re spending plenty of time to use them to interact with yourself. You must log in or register to reply here. Welcome to Fishlore, your future tank project for these fish sounds amazing, once you get started please start a build thread & post lots of pics so we can follow your progress (& be very envious!). They will quickly outgrow that once coming out of being a juvenile though. Red Tail Catfish are natural predators and they will feed on anything half their size including tank mates. If you’re looking for a unique type of fish that will really stand out in the lower parts of your aquarium, consider adding a freshwater shark to your community. Red Tail Catfishes are good with soft or neutral water so you should keep the pH level below seven. This going to be epic. Red Tail Catishes are carnivorous in nature and are natural predators. Red Tail Catfish Tank Mates. That will be a mega project that I have already started planning. But with so much water, you dont fish that just sit on the bottom. Redtail catfish Tank mates As a rule of thumb, you should not attempt to put any fish that can be easily swallowed together in the same tank with a Redtail catfish. The Red-tailed Catfish are generally a good community fish with tank-mates their own size. Tank mates should be a similar size; appropriate fish include: Gars, Stingrays and Datnoids. You can feed them a variety of live foods including smaller fishes, shrimps, worms and prawns. Even though the Red Tail isn’t exactly the ideal candidate for a community tank, you can still keep it with other fish. The weight can vary with the length and on an average; they can weigh between 30 to 50 kilograms. Hello every one.

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