0000040815 00000 n Our tables of data are easily manipulated and downloadable to support your research needs and covers factors from consumer attitudes to market forecasts. 0000047282 00000 n Singapore: +65 6653 3600 ng=D?sd'w3m?-YfCpw OGXZ'is>Th>;OZzWzNs;t o \bs-2e ]:}p7EZ~M(%(N?81[jwy~$q9rvc>ux3c8dtwtC|rNjFN!USAEA.M[Ir1yxGnnp m@>Lomn0#r.*j!L"x`@a$fYofCBa{+"_L6JK)oV;3,* NOr7_`- Each license type allows a set number of users to access the report. In total, 4.5 percent of the country's GDP is supported by inputs to the Airport traffic statistics, domestic and international airline traffic carried by UK registered airlines, and results from our regular survey of departing passengers, The CAA collects statistics from more than 60 UK airports, which can be used to assess flight activity, traffic and capacity, Information on services flown, freight capacity and details of aircraft used, Pricing structure for adhoc survey and airport data, Research reports from the UK Departing Passenger Survey conducted by the CAA, and consumer research commissioned and conducted by the CAA and the Department for Transport, Data on all complaints received from passengers by the CAA, on a variety of subjects, Upcoming dates for the publication of statistics on the UK aviation market, Details of investigations and prosecutions mounted by CAA since 2005. Sign in to view your account and previous purchases. Contact us on via phone or fill out a form with your enquiry. Research Methodology. There are also opportunities for promoters to partner with local start-ups to repurpose plastic waste into clothing merchandise for example. Their love of travel meant an estimated $499.7 billion dollars in revenue for companies in the vacation travel industry, a number that is expected to grow steadily in the next five years. Get the best reports to understand your industry, Airline passenger experience in the United Kingdom. Please Note: This is a sample report. %PDF-1.7 The Europe Aviation Market research report provides a comprehensive outlook of the market size and an industry growth forecast for 2023 to 2028. if #bRIi2\\%%~pv0*2'[? E6m~t8[4OX)[.IT0|qT0r-fF91D:S +?N/B`dO~! 0000066143 00000 n The debt to equity ratio also provides information on the capital structure of a business, the extent to which a firm's capital is financed through debt. The lower the positive ratio is, the more solvent the business. The lower the ratio, the more solvent the business is. Data and statistics about UK airports, air passenger experiences and international airports and airlines. Because it reflects the ability to finance current operations, working capital is a measure of the margin of protection for current creditors. "=1wz/Jy'_|/ VW:][&R08R6 '4:&I2yV2/zl!q x|kzJ%y#[u\ h,[TO,oEiCJ>HE?{z,F W(HpNwYFk%F~%~o2-kt! <<68B8D454EF94C44E932616ADD7AE8739>]/Prev 997097>> Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date Consumer Lifestyle, Marketing & Promotion, UK Holiday Planning and Booking Process Market Report 2022, UK The Young Traveller Market Report 2021, UK Summer Leisure Outlook Market Report 2021, UK COVID-19 And Out-Of-Home Leisure: A Year On Market Report 2021, UK Skiing and Snowboarding Holidays Market Report 2021, US Hotels and Hotel Alternatives Market Report 2021, US Outdoor Leisure Activities Market Report 2021, US Holidays and Traditions Market Report 2021, US COVID-19 Impact on Travel: One Year Later | Market Report 2021, Attitudes to Travel & Leisure Thai Consumer 2021, US Vacation Planning and Inspiration Market Report 2021. 2023 Copyright Mintel Group Limited. COVID-19 presented biggest the challenge in history for the aviation industry, Figure 1: Short-, medium- and long-term impact of COVID-19 on the UK airlines market, 2020-25, International and domestic passenger volumes will remain well below pre-COVID-19 levels in 2021, Figure 2: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-2026, Figure 3: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of domestic passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-2026, Consumers confidence in their financial situation remains high, Oil price bounced back to pre-COVID-19 levels, Consultation to review Air Passenger Duty started, Efforts increase to decarbonise the aviation industry, The competition will be fierce when demand starts to recover, Key focus on offering the best value for money, In July 2021 holiday booking intentions reached highest level since pandemic hit, Figure 4: Actual bookings and plans to book a holiday in the next three months, 2019-21, Participation in holiday flights and VFR set to recover quickest, Figure 5: Participation and future intention to take flights, by purpose, 2021, Long-haul destinations continue to be on Brits wish list, Figure 6: Destinations visited by plane vs intention to visit, 2021, Demand for air travel mostly impacted by COVID-19 uncertainty, Figure 7: Reasons for taking fewer flights in the next three years compared to prior to COVID-19, 2021, Nearly 7 in 10 think their business travel behaviour will bounce back to pre-pandemic levels, Purchase decisions for plane tickets remain highly price-driven, Environment plays a more important role when choosing domestic flights, Figure 8: Factors influencing choice of airline, by plans to visit destinations by plane in the next three years, 2021, COVID-19 measures to enhance feelings of safety remain important, Figure 9: Attitudes towards the impact of COVID-19 on flying, 2021, Highest interest in flexible cancellation options and spaced out seating on board, Figure 10: Willingness to pay for amenities and services, 2021, Increased focus on lowering costs while improving the customer experience, Showcasing sustainable practices and offering consumers more control will become increasingly important, Consultation to review Air Passenger Duty, Figure 11: Short-, medium- and long-term impact of COVID-19 on the UK airlines market, 2020-25, Prior to COVID-19, growth came predominantly from international traffic, Figure 12: Passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-21, International traffic volume down by 76% in 2020, domestic traffic by 73%, Leisure and VFR travel expected to lead the recovery, Figure 13: International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-26, Domestic passenger volume will recover at a faster pace, Figure 14: Domestic passenger numbers uplifted from UK airports, 2016-26, Figure 15: Key drivers affecting Mintels market forecast, 2015-25, Mintels approach to predicting the impact of COVID-19, Fundamental differences in how COVID-19 is affecting consumer markets, Extended COVID disruption will be disastrous for international travel, International traffic volume could recover in 2024 in the rapid COVID-19 scenario, Figure 16: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-2026, Domestic traffic could recover in 2023 in the rapid COVID scenario, Figure 17: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of domestic passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-2026, COVID-19 market disruption: risks and outcomes, Figure 18: Summary of Mintel scenario expectations and the impact on the UK airlines market, 2021, Overseas flights outperformed the overall outbound market in 2019, Figure 19: Overseas trips taken by UK residents, by mode of transport, 2015-19*, Prior to COVID-19, growth was mainly driven by increased demand for holidays and VFR, Figure 20: Overseas trips taken by air by UK residents, by purpose, 2015-19*, Greece entered the top-5 most visited overseas destinations by air by UK residents, Figure 21: Top 20 overseas destinations by volume of trips taken by air by UK residents, 2015-19*, England presses ahead with final stage on roadmap , but international travel restrictions remain, Consumer confidence in their financial situation remains high , Figure 22: The Financial Confidence Index, 2015- 2021, Figure 23: Europe Brent Spot price, yearly averages 2010-22, UK moved from laws to guidance on 19 July 2021, Fully vaccinated travelling from amber countries exempt from self-isolation measures, Figure 24: Traffic light system for international travel, 2021, More destinations added to the green list in August traffic light list review, As of 19 July, England lifted the legal requirement to wear face masks, Figure 25: Attitudes towards wearing face masks, 2021, Consultation on suggested changes to ATOL scheme, Aviation industry has increased its focus on becoming greener, High competition will continue to put pressure on fares, Figure 26: Top 10 UK-based* airlines, by passenger numbers uplifted globally, 2015-20, Innovations to increase revenue in response to lower demand, Lufthansa introduces Sleepers Row to economy class passengers on select long-haul flights, More unlimited flight passes were introduced, Innovations focused on enhancing passenger wellbeing, British Airways launches power nap EnergyPods, American Airlines offers in-flight classes for personal enrichment, Technological innovations to improve the customer experience, British Airways launches in-seat digital ordering platform for food and drink, Korean Air introduces baggage loading notification system, United Airlines orders supersonic aircraft that can cut travel times in half, Increased efforts to reduce and offset carbon emissions, Heathrow calls upon UK government to achieve rapid scale up of production of SAF, New investments to accelerate the development of electric aircraft, Ryanair offers passengers the option to fully offset the emissions from their flight, Above-the-line spend by airlines declined by 70% in 2020, Figure 27: Total above-the-line, online display and direct mail advertising expenditure on ads by airlines, 2017-20, British Airways employees star in new TV add to show passion for taking care of its customers, Figure 28: Top 10 above-the line, online display and direct mail advertising expenditure on ads by airlines, 2020, Figure 29: Attitudes towards and usage of selected brands, 2021, Figure 30: Key metrics for selected brands, 2021, Brand attitudes: easyJet most closely associated with offering good value, Brand personality: Virgin Atlantic and British Airways seen as most ethical, but least accessible, Figure 32: Brand personality macro image, 2021, A fifth of Brits who have heard of Ryanair associate the brand with being unreliable, Figure 33: Brand personality micro image, 2021, Virgin Atlantic front runner in excellent experience and recommendation levels, Figure 34: User profile of Virgin Atlantic, 2021, British Airways seen as reliable, efficient and welcoming, Figure 35: User profile of British Airways, 2021, Jet2.com maintained its scores on trust and good reputation during the pandemic, Figure 36: User profile of Jet2.com, 2021, Nearly half associate easyJet with offering good value, Wizz Air challenged to raise its brand image, Figure 38: User profile of Wizz Air, 2021, Ryanair invests in improving low customer satisfaction, Exposure concerns increased slightly in July amid rising cases, Figure 40: Mintel COVID-19 exposure anxiety and lifestyle impact index, 2020-2021, Increased travel freedom for fully vaccinated travellers provided small boost to international leisure travel, Majority of overseas holiday bookings were still in the pipeline in mid-July, Figure 41: Main holidaying intentions by destination, 2021, Figure 42: Actual bookings and plans to book a holiday in the next three months, 2019-21, Figure 43: Participation and future intention to take flights, by purpose, 2021, Figure 44: Destinations visited by plane vs intention to visit, 2021, Families show high interest in domestic flights, Figure 45: Demographic profile by intention to visit destinations by air, 2021, Recovery in air travel will be led by younger audiences, Figure 46: Changes in the number of flights expected compared to prior to COVID-19, 2021, Few passengers intend to fly less because of the environment , but consumer consciousness of sustainability has increased, Figure 47: Reasons for taking fewer flights in the next three years compared to prior to COVID-19, 2021, Figure 48: Frequency of business flights once the COVID-19 outbreak is over, 2021, Package holidays are an effective path for airlines to increase revenues, Figure 49: Factors influencing choice of airline, by plans to visit destinations by plane in the next three years, 2021, Business travellers are the least price-sensitive segment, Figure 50: Factors influencing choice of airline, by purpose of flights in the next three years, 2021, Figure 51: Attitudes towards the impact of COVID-19 on flying, 2021, A well-known brand is more important amid COVID-19 uncertainty, Potential long border queues put two thirds of passengers off flying, Older generation continues to value human interaction , while business travellers are more interested in minimal interaction, Ultra-long-haul flights appeal to majority of long-haul travellers, Figure 52: Interest in ultra-long-haul flights, by demographics, 2021, The majority of the younger generation always tend to select the cheapest tickets, Figure 53: Attitudes towards selecting the cheapest available tickets, 2021, Figure 54: Consumer needs for extra support for health/disability needs, 2021, Figure 55: Willingness to pay for amenities and services, 2021, Volume forecast and prediction intervals for total traffic, Figure 56: Total passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports (prepared on 20 August 2021), 2020-26, Volume forecast and prediction intervals for international traffic, Figure 57: International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports (prepared on 20 August 2021), 2020-26, Volume forecast and prediction intervals for domestic traffic, Figure 58: Domestic passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports (prepared on 20 August 2021), 2020-26, Figure 59: Key drivers affecting Mintels market forecast, 2020-25, Volume scenario performance for total traffic, Figure 60: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2021-2026, Volume scenario performance for international traffic, Figure 61: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of international passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2021-2026, Volume scenario performance for domestic traffic, Figure 62: COVID-19 scenario forecasts for the volume of domestic passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-2026, Rapid COVID recovery, central and extended COVID disruption scenarios outline. :`KN"@T@ZDLzq`, Ln80Nz^kgcglhNX'Kh This figure must match total assets to ensure a balance sheet is properly balanced. The aviation sector contributes significantly to boosting economic activity in UK. data than referenced in the text. The most important key figures provide you with a compact summary of the topic of "Air transportation in the UK" and take you straight to the corresponding statistics. This report "Canadians are savvy leisure travellers, with the majority having taken an overnight leisure trip in the past year. This percentage represents all current assets not accounted for in accounts receivable and closing inventory. According to this report the global travel insurance market size was valued at $19.24 billion in 2019, and projected to reach $37.0 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.6% from 2020 to 2027. This figure represents the sum of two separate line items, which are added together and checked against a companys total assets. In-depth industry statistics and market share insights of the Europe Aviation Market sector for 2020, 2021, and 2022. 0000134957 00000 n UK EU Transition, and UK Civil Aviation Regulations. The air transport industry, including airlines and its supply chain, are estimated to support US $86 billion of GDP in the United Kingdom. 0000000016 00000 n Clicking on the following button will update the content below. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Industry and market insights and forecasts, Key figures and rankings about companies and products, Consumer and brand insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about countries and regions, Market forecast and expert KPIs for 600+ segments in 150+ countries, Insights on consumer attitudes and behavior worldwide, Business information on 60m+ public and private companies, Detailed information for 35,000+ online stores and marketplaces. Digital research and online booking are becoming the norm amongst The trend in short breaks is leaning towards high-intensity breaks, built around eye-catching experiences where the experience itself is the central element. performance of the airline industry with airlines and their customers generating $111 billion per year on average in tax revenues. 0000068793 00000 n This is a solvency ratio indicating a firm's ability to pay its long-term debts, the amount of debt outstanding in relation to the amount of capital. We therefore expect to be able to provide updated statistics from 2024 onwards. Dusseldorf: +49 (0) 211 3399 7411 Statista assumes no This ratio is not very relevant for financial, construction and real estate industries. Get the best reports to understand your industry, Airline passenger experience in the United Kingdom. (Current Bank Loans * 100) / Total Assets. This figure represents the average value of all resources controlled by an enterprise as a result of past transactions or events from which future economic benefits may be obtained. UK aviation market Airports The CAA collects statistics from more than 60 UK airports, which can be used to assess flight activity, traffic and capacity Airlines Information on services flown, freight capacity and details of aircraft used Flight punctuality Data collected at UK airports Bespoke data analysis Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. A-Level revision guide 8.95. <>/Metadata 2042 0 R/ViewerPreferences 2043 0 R/PageLabels 2044 0 R>> Are you interested in testing our business solutions? This means well-design themed travel can serve as an ingredient for customised travel on one hand, but it is difficult for themed travel to enjoy economy of scale on the other "The luxury travel market is enjoying an overall high level of global wealth. This means well-design themed travel can serve as an ingredient for customised travel on one hand, but it is difficult for themed travel to enjoy economy of scale on the other Event organisers are increasingly banning plastic at concerts and festivals in response to consumers environmental concerns. 1 0 obj The product is a PDF. Singapore: +65 6653 3600 0000046807 00000 n 0000031717 00000 n =IFon0HzShTZYGrk;^Vpox;}L^p/.B`TpaPS.7qe4I% W[i~4&L:+ h&x_PD1i2hGX|EWM6Gh(Zclw5n&u6(w#+Nv0]>jv0oO/wnAEbDaQ/@Ip*j5k~Q4!5Yte6aW6{mje^}41/h^KRBa L%HaTpgL07:VjkcRu$_CZe9>f PQYRIfIt(O:|4Uk:?{K-]L3VVu U(\^ Includes the necessary information to perform SWOT, PEST and STEER analysis. Statista assumes no This report covers the UK aviation market size, market forecast, market segmentation and UK airline market trends. Travel insurance is a protection policy for tourists and travelers that covers unforeseen losses and damages while traveling. Dublin, Feb. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Maritime Security Market - Global Industry Analysis (2018 - 2020) - Growth Trends and Market Forecast (2021 - 2027)" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The airlines industry comprises passenger air transportation, including scheduled flights but excluding air freight transport. 2 0 obj All Rights Reserved. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. This is a solvency ratio, which indicates a firm's ability to pay its long-term debts. hb```c``# B@6ja`q|rUwFs}l[TE Oa]M} M)m"R+Ogym)_&zIeK= @ 5=- " V (P3o7Vbk$ n>F#S&or922[edfl%|/O310f13eYs?dLq"e LfR!bv*_U Access reports via your companies subscription. 0000038098 00000 n Aviation statistics information on current and previous air passenger experience statistics are available. 0000002692 00000 n The UK Airlines Market Report identifies consumers intentions to travel by air, decisive factors when choosing an airline and the impact of rising inflation on the UK aviation market. Measures and innovations that enhance feelings of safety, increase confidence in travelling and make the journey as efficient and enjoyable as possible will be essential to speed up recovery. Shanghai: +86 (21) 6032 7300 We are working with the Civil Aviation Authority to restore security screening questions to the survey from the start of 2023. Access reports via your companies subscription. There is a willingness to pay for added benefits, particularly for flexible cancellation policies, spaced out seating on board and priority boarding. Chicago, IL 60606 This figure expresses the average number of days that receivables are outstanding. Mintel provides a range of market information, frequently through the category level, including market size and forecasting, complete with market drivers that illustrate the forces that shape a category or market. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. United Kingdom, 333 West Wacker Drive Helps you understand market dynamics to give you a deeper understanding of industry competition and the supply chain. The growth rate of the Airlines Market in the United Kingdom (UK) is 36.9%, with an estimated value of $52.84 Billion by 2025. (Accounts Receivable * 100) / Total Assets. Passengers uplifted by British Airways plc 2008-2020, Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022. An assessment of the competitive landscape and market shares for major companies. Historical data and analysis for the key drivers of this industry, A five-year forecast of the market and noted trends, Detailed research and segmentation for the main products and markets, An assessment of the competitive landscape and market shares for major companies. GCSE Revision Guide 8.49. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, About the aviation statistics data and reports, Civil Aviation Authority Departing Passenger Survey, Changes to DfT statistics publications due to coronavirus (COVID-19), Air passenger experience of security screening: 2019. It excludes those assets intended for sale. 0000177047 00000 n It excludes assets held for rental purposes. From July 2021 to December 2022, this shortened survey did not include the security screening questions. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. (All Other Assets & Adjustments * 100) / Total Assets. United States of America, Mintel Germany GmbH 0000119196 00000 n And of course, much more. This percentage is also known as "return on investment" or "return on equity." Who are the top competitors in the United Kingdom's airlines market? Figure 1: Short-, medium- and long-term impact of COVID-19 on the UK airlines market, 2020-25. International and domestic passenger volumes will remain well below pre-COVID-19 levels in 2021. This text provides general information. % (Net Profit + Interest and Bank Charges) * 100 / Total Assets. The Airlines Market in the United Kingdom (UK) was estimated to be valued at $10.96 Billion in 2020. [{"name":"Business Travel","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/holidays-and-travel\/business-travel"},{"name":"Holidays and Travel","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/holidays-and-travel"},{"name":"Holidays and Vacations","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/holidays-and-travel\/holidays-and-vacations"},{"name":"Leisure Travel","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/holidays-and-travel\/leisure-travel"},{"name":"Transport","url":"https:\/\/store.mintel.com\/industries\/holidays-and-travel\/transport"}]. j~(@ .s> `o3vp)%S/]@Q`4H3p#|ZVJX7 Wik*i~|bvOSSkrP'yEW/+KD'*7: J`+F9EpC,{MK>P Spending by foreign tourists supports a further US $34 billion of the country's GDP, totaling to US $120 billion. Links to where users can view the source data, and where updates to release schedules from DfT, affected by COVID-19, can be found. data than referenced in the text. This ratio is a rough indication of a firms ability to service its current obligations. For those with the resources to enjoy it this is a golden time for travel. 0000046325 00000 n 0000058321 00000 n Contact us on via phone or fill out a form with your enquiry. Competition for the silver pound is set to be intense. Brands: Emirates, Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, Wizz Air, easyJet. The airline stated that by the end of 2023 it is expected to have an all-Boeing mainline fleet. However, in recent years profitability has fallen due to the entry of new firms. This percentage represents the total of cash and other resources that are expected to be realized in cash, or sold or consumed within one year or the normal operating cycle of the business, whichever is longer. This ratio is relevant for all industries. Dusseldorf: +49 (0) 211 3399 7411 IBISWorld is used by thousands of small businesses and start-ups to kick-start business plans, Spend time growing your business rather than digging around for industry ratios and financial projections, Apply for a bank loan with the confidence you know your industry inside and out, Use IBISWorlds industry ratios and benchmarks to create realistic financial projections you can stand behind. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Industry consumption volumes declined with a CARC of -27.6% between 2016 and 2020, to reach a total of 68.5 million seats sold in 2020. It excludes loan receivables and some receivables from related parties. 3 0 obj Short breaks are an ideal way for tourist boards and travel brands to diversify their product offering and attract people to a wider variety of new holiday types. "The hotel market is strong, estimated to garner $265.8 billion in revenue in 2019, and showing strong numbers in occupancy rate, average daily rate (ADR) and revenue per available room (RevPAR). Published 'Air passenger experience of security screening: 2018'. (Total Current Assets * 100) / Total Assets. 56% of adults who expect to take fewer flights in the next 12 months will do so as they have less money to spend on travel. As per the report titled "Airline Industry Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, By Commercial Airlines (Passenger Aircraft and Freight Aircraft), By Destination (Domestic and. 4 Playhouse Yard Suite 1100 Vital industry facts, trends and insights in a new, shorter format. Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the airlines market in the United Kingdom, Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the airlines market in the United Kingdom, Leading company profiles reveal details of key airlines market players global operations and financial performance, Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the United Kingdom airlines market with five year forecasts by both value and volume. 117 0 obj <>stream Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. IBISWorld reports on thousands of industries around the world. How has the market performed over the last five years? 0000001644 00000 n There is a growing demand for accommodation which can combine some of the advantages of holiday rental property (freedom, independence, a home environment or an authentic local feel) with some of the advantages of staying in a hotel (convenience, indulgence, time saving). John Worthington, Senior AnalystThis Report covers the following "Seven in ten (72%) of US consumers went on an overnight vacation in the last year. 0000068863 00000 n Clicking on the following button will update the content below. Airline statistics for each month of 2021 UK airline data 2020 Airline statistics for each month of 2020 UK airline data 2019 Airline statistics for each month of 2019 UK airline data 2018 Airline statistics for each month of 2018 UK airline data 2017 Airline statistics for each month of 2017 UK airline data 2016 Soaring inflation poses the biggest threat to the recovery of the UK airline industry. The five-year outlook for the UK airlines market, 2022 will be a much stronger year but multiple challenges hamper recovery, Cost of living crisis delays the recovery of the UK airlines market, Figure 2: International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2017-27, Figure 3: Domestic passenger numbers uplifted from UK airports, 2017-27, Government support mainly benefits higher earners, APD changes will reduce the tax on domestic flights to support domestic connectivity, UK government publishes Jet Zero strategy for net-zero aviation by 2050, Wizz Air continued to expand during the pandemic, Jet2.com has strengthened its position during the pandemic, Emirates offers economy passengers the option to trade up to premium economy, High earners most likely to take flights, with gap set to widen, Figure 4: Flying habits prior to COVID-19, by purpose, 2022, VFR segment expected to lead the recovery, Figure 5: Intention to take flights in the next 12 months, by purpose, 2022, Airlines will have to ensure passengers feel comfortable booking domestic flights, Figure 6: Intentions to visit destinations by air in the next 12 months, 2022, Older passengers are less eager to return to the skies as often as before the pandemic, Figure 7: Changes in the number of flights expected compared to prior to COVID-19, by age and annual household income, 2022, Soaring inflation poses the biggest threat to the recovery of the airlines market, Figure 8: Reasons for taking fewer flights compared to prior to COVID-19, by age, 2022, Price is the leading factor when choosing an airline, Figure 9: Factors influencing choice of airline, 2022, but a good range of flight times and good customer service can broaden appeal, Innovations focussed on speed can help airports gain a competitive advantage, Figure 10: Most important airport attributes when flying from a UK airport, 2022, Airport foodservices seen as overpriced and chaotic, Broad support among passengers for biometric checks, Figure 11: Attitudes towards flying, 2022, SAF and electric planes will help to enable future growth of the airlines market, The challenge to offering a low price amid rising operation costs, Enhancing the flexibility of search technology, Airport food experiences require improvements, International and domestic passenger volumes remained well below pre-COVID-19 levels in 2021, Figure 12: Passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2016-22, Figure 14: International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2017-27, Figure 15: Domestic passenger numbers uplifted from UK airports, 2017-27, Energy price cap prevented consumer confidence from falling further, Figure 16: The Financial Confidence Index, 2009-22, Many proposed changes to the UKs tax arrangements abolished following market reaction, Increased operational costs put pressure on ticket prices, Figure 17: Europe Brent Spot price, yearly averages 2010-21, forecast for 2022-23, Staff shortages continue to impact some companies services, Holiday bookings kept up well throughout the summer months, Figure 18: Holiday bookings in the last three months, 2016-22, Holiday booking intentions were around pre-pandemic levels in September 2022, Figure 19: Plans to book a holiday in the next three months, 2016-22, Wizz Air continued to expand its number of bases during the pandemic, Figure 20: Top 10 UK-based airlines, by passenger numbers uplifted globally, 2017-21, easyJet adds more partners to its connection service, British Airways and Qatar Airways Move Further Together, Ryanair adds flights in response to competitor cancellations, Increased competition on routes to the US, while start-ups plan to launch services on underserved routes to India in 2022, Technological innovations to help improve the airport experience, Delta offers personalised airport experience through Parallel Reality technology, RDU opens virtual food hall with gate delivery service, Airlines introduce new premium experiences, Air New Zealand will offer sleep pods to economy passengers in 2024, Virgin Atlantics Retreat Suites will take off in October 2022, Roadmaps for a greener aviation industry continue to be rolled out, New steps taken to make urban air mobility a reality, London City Airport aims to become Londons first net-zero airport, Innovations to enhance inclusivity in the airlines market, MSP Airport opens mock cabin to promote travel equity, PLAY stays away from traditional outfits and instructions for its cabin crew, Virgin Atlantic amends ticketing system for gender-neutral passport holders, Above-the-line spend by airlines is recovering at a slower pace, Figure 21: Total above-the-line, online display and direct mail advertising expenditure on ads by airlines, 2018-21 and H1 2018-H1 2022, Emirates was the second biggest ad spender in 2021, Figure 22: Top 10 above-the line, online display and direct mail advertising expenditure on ads by airlines, 2019-21, Figure 23: Attitudes towards and usage of selected brands, 2022, Figure 24: Key metrics for selected brands, 2022, Brand attitudes: Virgin Atlantic closely associated with worth paying more for, Brand personality: easyJet and Wizz Air seen as accessible airlines, Figure 26: Brand personality macro image, 2022, Of the low-cost airlines, Jet2.com is most closely associated with being caring and reliable, Figure 27: Brand personality micro image, 2022, Reliable performance has boosted Jet.coms image, Figure 28: Satisfaction of brands operating in the airlines market, 2019-22, easyJet had the highest usage level in the year to August 2022, Ryanair continues to enjoy high usage despite relatively low customer ratings, Despite decline, British Airways continues to have the highest share of committed users, Figure 29: Commitment towards brands operating in the airlines market, 2019-22, Despite decline, Virgin Atlantic enjoys the highest customer satisfaction and recommendation levels, Figure 30: Flying habits prior to COVID-19, by purpose, 2022, Figure 31: Intention to take flights in the next 12 months, by purpose, 2022, Three in four passengers plan to fly to a short-haul destination in the coming year, Figure 32: Intentions to visit destinations by air in the next 12 months, 2022, There continue to be opportunities to sell more premium experiences, Emirates uses VR to showcase signature products, Figure 33: Changes in the number of flights expected compared to prior to COVID-19, by age and annual household income, 2022, There remain fears over potential disruption over the coming winter period, Figure 34: Reasons for taking fewer flights compared to prior to COVID-19, by age, 2022, Figure 35: Factors influencing choice of airline, 2022, Figure 36: Factors influencing choice of airline, TURF analysis, 2022, Business travellers are the least price-sensitive segment, Figure 37: Most important airport attributes when flying from a UK airport, 2022, Figure 38: Most important airport attributes when flying from a UK airport, by age, 2022, Majority of passengers are concerned about the expected price increase of flight tickets, Figure 39: Consumer concerns about expected price increase of flight tickets, 2022, Figure 40: Attitudes towards flying, 2022, Figure 41: Factors influencing choice of airline, TURF analysis table output, 2022, Figure 42: Total passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2022-27, Figure 43: International passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2022-27, Figure 44: Domestic passenger numbers uplifted at UK airports, 2022-27. 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Johnny Hallyday Carmel, Articles U