(Many academics conclude this passage implies incest.) He figures most prominently in the Aztec mythology but it was in the city of Cholula that the cult of Quetzalcoatl enjoyed influence and prominence during the Classic Period of Mesoamerica. At one hand, Mayans considered a snake as the embodiment of the cosmos. The Spanish helped non-Aztec groups reclaim territory that included a massive pyramid dedicated to Quetzalcoatl. The story of the life of the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same being. He also encouraged them to worship a different god, Quetzalcoatl (kehtsahlkoh AHT uhl), or the Feathered Serpent. Over more than a thousand years, a similar god was worshipped by virtually every one of Mesoamericas related cultures. As Quetzalcoatl Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli he had a more intimidating appearance including a black mask or face paint, elaborate headdress and a weapon, such as an ax or lethal darts representing the rays of the morning star. And when the wind rose, when the dust rumbled, and it crack and there was a great din, became it became dark and the wind blew in many directions, and it thundered; then it was said: "[Quetzalcoatl] is wrathful. Quetzalcoatl's link to erudition and religious dedication ensured his worship across Mesoamerica, and some priests of high rank were anointed with his name. Tlaloc blew the snake into the air, to a point where he was higher than the birds. Archaeological sites in Mexico City have street addresses, not GPS coordinates, as sites tend to elsewhere. Quetzalcoatl appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Thor: Love and Thunder. Welcome. While not usually feathered, classic Maya serpent iconography seems[original research?] It is not a coincidence that Quetzalcoatl is just as often referred to as the Feathered Serpent by his worshipers and historians. However, this legend likely has a foundation in events that took place immediately prior to the arrival of the Spaniards. Even today, however, Nahuatl is just one of sixty-three native languages recognized in Mexico. As a god, its only logical that such reincarnations would be for the betterment of the earth and its people. What is often called the Aztec Empire was a confederation of three city-states, established in the 14th and 15th centuries. Because, if they did include human sacrifice, basically a part of Quetzalcoatl himself would be killed in order to honor him. Over the West presides the White Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl, the god of light, justice, mercy and wind. Mayans had deities with feathered serpent as their names. Have you ever eaten blue, white, black, or red corn? In an example from Yaxchilan, the Vision Serpent has the human face of the young maize-god, further suggesting a connection to fertility and vegetational renewal; the Maya Young Maize god was also connected to Venus. What did Quetzalcoatl teach? Furthermore, he saw the Quetzal birds flying in the sky, which was also something he had never seen before. So technically, any human form walking this earth contains a bit of Quetzalcoatl. While the inhabitants of Teotihuacan were the first ones to worship Quetzalcoatl, the Aztecs reinterpreted him over time. The first keeper of written records, he was patron of the Calmecac, a school for noble children who learned to paint histories and astrology, as well as practice the art of war. The floods, too, caused great disaster to the earth in general. Quetzalcoatl, or "Feathered Serpent," was an important god to the ancient people of Mesoamerica. Quetzalcoatl's opposite was Tezcatlipoca, who supposedly sent Quetzalcoatl into exile. This is what you have to look forward to- Initially, you will notice that you can find pleasure in new and sometimes bizarre places. [41] However, in 1892 one president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, John Taylor, wrote:[42]. Quetzalcoatl was the Aztec version of this plumed snake archetype. Why is that? Rise early to appreciate the magnificence of her rising, and try to spend some time soaking up her warmth whenever you can. Or rather, arrived again. As a double of Quetzalcoatl, he carries his conch-like ehecailacacozcatl or wind jewel.Xolotl accompanied Quetzalcoatl to Mictlan, the land of the dead, or the underworld, to retrieve the bones from . Well, not all of them, but some do. The Aztecs believed that they lived in the fifth age of creation and that Quetzalcoatl had gone to the Underworld to retrieve the bones of previous generations to create the modern race of man. When Cortes and his crew of Spaniards came ashore in Mexico in 1519, many thought they were gods. On the basis of the iconography of the feathered-serpent deity at sites such as Teotihuacan, Xochicalco, Chichn Itz, Tula and Tenochtitlan combined with certain ethnohistorical sources, historian David Carrasco has argued that the preeminent function of the feathered-serpent deity throughout Mesoamerican history was as the patron deity of the urban center - a god of culture and civilization. Of these, Quetzalcoatl was the Sun in the second cycle. Xolotl Among the Aztecs, this was Quetzalcoatls twin. The Origin of Hotdogs, The History of Boracay Island in The Philippines. But, remember, the promise of Quetzalcoatl was to bring heaven to the beings that were living in hell. Corts himself claimed in a letter that the gullibility of the Aztec people helped him to conquer them. They kept the same gods but believed in a new story. The earliest Aztec and classic Maya serpent iconography can be found in a six-tiered pyramid specifically dedicated to Quetzalcoatl. Represented as the plumed serpent, Quetzalcoatl was also seen as manifest in the wind, one of the most powerful forces of nature; a text in the Nahuatl language captures this relationship: Quetzalcoatl; yn ehecatl ynteiacancauh yntlachpancauh in tlaloque, yn aoaque, yn qujqujiauhti. The east is represented by Xipe Totec who is the Red Tezcatlipoca and the god of gold and farming. The History of Guns, Greek Mythology: Stories, Characters, Gods, and Culture, Aztec Mythology: Important Stories and Characters, Greek Gods and Goddesses: Family Tree and Fun Facts, Roman Gods and Goddesses: The Names and Stories of 29 Ancient Roman Gods, How Quetzalcoatl Created and Sustained Humans, How Quetzalcoatl Became Part of the Tezcatlipocas, Aztec and Maya Serpent Imagery of Quetzalcoatl, Water Gods and Sea Gods From Around the World, Sun Gods: Ancient Solar Deities From Around the World, 10 Gods of Death and the Underworld From Around the World, Herne the Hunter: Spirit of Windsor Forest, Sif: The Golden-Haired Goddess of the Norse, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: 16 Oldest Known Cultures From Around The World, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? His body is usually black, a color that represents the north in Aztec art. Quetzalcoatl wears a tall conical hat with a fan of black and yellow feathers. However, later sources uncover that already a year before him a similar figure dwelled in the lands of the Aztec territory. [24] In another story, the virgin Chimalman conceived Quetzalcoatl by swallowing an emerald. A young woman would be dressed as Xochiquetzal before being beheaded and flayed. and they were greatly influential on all subsequent ones. Among these Mesoamerican gods, Quetzalcoatl was also one of the oldest. Later, Xavier and the Aztecs summon Quetzalcoatl in his mortal form and wind up angering him after cutting him open. He sometimes carries flowers or sacrificial tools. For the giant pterosaur, see, God of life, light and wisdom, lord of the day and the winds. While this legend is disputed, it is clear that Quetzalcoatl was an important deity to the Aztecs and other people of Mexico and Central America. Along with one of his brothers, he was instructed by his parents to create the world six hundred years after his birth. related to the belief in a sky-, Venus-, creator-, war- and fertility-related serpent deity. Round monuments occur particularly often in Huastec territory. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in other traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice.. Mesoamerican priests and kings would sometimes take the name of a deity they were associated with, so Quetzalcoatl and Kukulcan are also the names of historical persons.. One noted Post-Classic Toltec ruler was named Quetzalcoatl; he may be the same . As a god of wind, Quetzalcoatl was also an important fertility deity. Evidence of such worship comes from the iconography of different Mesoamerican cultures, in which serpent motifs occur frequently. Ruler of the, Nicholson 2001, Carrasco 1982, Gillespie 1989, Florescano 2002, Lafaye 1987, Townsend 2003, Martnez 1980, Phelan 1970. He was a creator deity having contributed essentially to the creation of mankind. This idea of return stemmed from a supposed speech given by Montezuma, the Aztec ruler, to Corts when the Spanish arrived at Tenochtitlan. ", "Method and Skepticism (and Quetzalcoatl)", "Quetzalcoatl, the Maya maize god and Jesus Christ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quetzalcoatl&oldid=1141156375, Supernatural beings identified with Christian saints, Articles containing Classical Nahuatl-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles having different image on Wikidata and Wikipedia, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from August 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from June 2021, All articles that may contain original research, Articles that may contain original research from June 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2012, Articles with incomplete citations from April 2020, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Articles with sources in Nahuatl languages (nah), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, White Tecatlipoca, Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, Feathered Serpent, Precious Twin, Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli, Tlaloc, god of rain, lightning and thunder, the feathered serpent, god of vegetational renewal, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 17:09. The importance of Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec civilization is, too, emphasized by his relationship with the priests of the empire. In the 16th century, Spaniards conquered the Aztec Empire. During the epi-classic period, a dramatic spread of feathered serpent iconography is evidenced throughout Mesoamerica, and during this period images begin to figure prominently at sites such as Chichn Itz, El Tajn, and throughout the Maya area. What are the facts associated with this mysterious god? Aztec God Quetzalcoatl According to one myth, Quetzalcoatl was born to a virgin called Chimalman to whom god Onteol appeared in a dream. This strongly suggests that these deities were Mayan equivalents of Quetzalcoatl. Mictlantecuhtli was the Aztec god of death and the principle god of the underworld. The pterosaur Quetzalcoatlus was named after the deity. "9 Facts About Quetzalcoatl." Over time, Quetzalcoatl's appearance, clothing, malevolent nature, and status among the gods were reshaped to fit a more Christian framework. Although little is known about the specific ways in which he was revered, some historians believe that the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms and other intoxicants may have played a large role. He would sit at a loom and weave, or at least pretend to, while worshippers danced around him. Minster, Christopher. The most astonishing aspect of their worship, at least to the Spaniards, was their habit of human sacrifice . On the other hand, the snake was considered a vital instrument to help bring visions from the underworld to the Mayan kings. Quetzalcoatl, or "Feathered Serpent," was an important god to the ancient people of Mesoamerica. Among the Aztecs, it was related to wind, Venus, Sun, merchants, arts, crafts, knowledge, and learning. In Xochicalco, depictions of the feathered serpent accompany the image of a seated, armed ruler and the hieroglyph for the day sign 9 Wind. In his form as Ehecatl he is the wind, and is represented by spider monkeys, ducks, and the wind itself. The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in other traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice. [40] However, a majority of Mesoamericanist scholars, such as Matthew Restall (2003, 2018[37]), James Lockhart (1994), Susan D. Gillespie (1989), Camilla Townsend (2003a, 2003b), Louise Burkhart, Michel Graulich and Michael E. Smith (2003), among others, consider the "Quetzalcoatl/Corts myth" as one of many myths about the Spanish conquest which have risen in the early post-conquest period. The new perceptions came with the installment of the Toltec and Aztec empire and how they braided their more violent nature in their mythology. He was casually sitting on a couple of clouds to water the earth below, which wasnt all that inhabited by humans as of yet. Where once feathered snakes were worshiped all over, after the Spanish conquest the locals were forced into worshiping Jesus Christ. Quetzalcoatl wears around his neck the breastplate ehcaczcatl, "the spirally voluted wind jewel". Since the sixteenth century, it has been widely held that the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II initially believed the landing of Hernn Corts in 1519 to be Quetzalcoatl's return. Cholula remained the most important center of worship of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec/Nahua version of the feathered-serpent deity, in the post-classic period. Quetzalcoatl had aspects in which he functioned as other gods. Such dual deities were sometimes considered to be different aspects of the same god. In the iconography of the classic period, Maya serpent imagery is also prevalent: a snake often appears as the embodiment of the sky itself, and a vision serpent is a shamanic helper presenting Maya kings with visions of the underworld. By 1200 AD, Quetzalcoatls iconography had become more fixed. Aztec Gods Quetzalcoatl Tezcatlipoca Quetzalcoatl occupied a unique position in the Aztec pantheon and was considered one of the most important gods. Quetzalcoatl, or Feathered Serpent, was an important god to the ancient people of Mesoamerica. [47], In 1971 Tony Shearer published a book called Lord of the Dawn: Quetzalcoatl and the Tree of Life, inspiring New Age followers to visit Chichen Itza at the summer solstice when dragon-shaped shadows are cast by the Kulkulcan pyramid.[48]. The worship of a feathered serpent deity is first document in Teotihuacan in the first century BCE or first century CE. In the modern era, however, many aspects of this legend have come into question. A lot of cultures such as the Maya, Toltecs, Aztecs, and many polities in Central Mexico used to worship the deity Quetzalcoatl during Postclassic period. Ehecatl In some Aztec areas, such as Tenochtitlan, this was another wind god with nearly identical iconography to Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl became linked with the maize crop thanks to ancient legends. In the episode "Damnesia You," Xavier winds up in the Aztec world and is immediately (and unsuccessfully) sacrificed for insulting the Sun God, and during the sacrifice the Aztecs humorously fail to pronounce his name. Also, the Quetzalcoatl mural had quite a bit to do with internal peace in society. Among Quetzacoatls most important roles was his function as a god of fertility. The Name Quetzalcoatl All good eclipses must come to an end, and this happened when the snake evolved into a Feathered Serpent and flew out of the sun again. As shown by his spiral jewel, Quetzalcoatl was a god of wind. The four suns before Quetzalcoatl had been destroyed by disastrous events, like floods, fires, and volcanic eruptions. Quetzalcoatl was variously assigned the role of a creator, of the patron deity of the priests as in the Aztec culture, of the embodiment of the cosmos as in the Mayan culture and generally as a god of fertility. The south is represented by Huitzilopochtli who is the Blue Tezcatlipoca and the god of war. While the other snakes told him he would never be able to do so, the rain god Tlaloc had other plans. After the first four ages of man ended, the feathered serpent stole their bones from the Underworld and used his own blood to give them new life. However, independent historical sources do not substantiate this claim and later historians have disputed it as well. He wouldnt become the new Aztec ruler, however. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/quetzalcoatl/. The major worship of this god as Quetzalcoatl began in 700 . The worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in colonial traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice. In fact, the then-current king himself, Moteuhzoma II, prophesied the return of Quetzalcoatl as a white-bearded person even if it would mean that hed have to give up his place on the throne. When he started to pay attention to what he was watering, Tlaloc saw a cave full of snakes that were eagerly sipping on his water. Quetzalcoatl is a form of one of Mesoamericas most wide-spread images. He appears seated in Omnipotence City of the gods, where all major deities are located, during an announcement from leader of the gods, Zeus. By Quetzalcoatl was a god for many ancient . Quetzalcoatl went to Mictlan, the underworld, and created fifth-world mankind from the bones of the previous races (with the help of Cihuacoatl), using his own blood, from a wound he inflicted on his earlobes, calves, tongue, and penis, to imbue the bones with new life. Aztec ceremonies often lasted several days . Latter-day Saint author Brant Gardner, after investigating the link between Quetzalcoatl and Jesus, concluded that the association amounts to nothing more than folklore. Each age of the world was given a new sun, and the world was on its Fifth Sun, having been destroyed four times previously. I have been in love with all things related to Mythology. For more details, Wikipedia is a good resource. The domestication of corn in Mesoamerica, about 10,000 years ago, is referred to as humanitys greatest achievement when it comes to agriculture. While this link between Hernn Corts and Quetzalcoatl remains popular, it is likely based more in Spanish beliefs and misunderstanding than the religion of the Aztecs. His ashes rose into the sky and then his heart followed, becoming the morning star (see Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli). It has been suggested that these stories recall the spread of the feathered-serpent cult in the epi-classic and early post-classic periods.[12]. Known as the Ehecailacozcatl, its swirling design represents the wind. The worship of Miclantecuhtli was ongoing with the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. This view has been questioned by ethno-historians who argue that the Quetzalcoatl-Corts connection is not found in any document that was created independently of post-Conquest Spanish influence, and that there is little proof of a pre-Hispanic belief in Quetzalcoatl's return. In mythology, he is a gentle god who loves peace, and it is said that he bestowed many blessings to the humans. These, then, are the people that still inhabit the world. The worship of Quetzalcoatl is wide-reaching, has a rich history, and exemplifies the complex world of Aztec mythology. Did the Incas worship Quetzalcoatl? For example, the Aztecs revered him as the god of the priesthood, knowledge, and trade. At Cholula, however, the gods cult is most evident. Hernn Corts, perhaps the most notorious colonizer, is often identified as this very reincarnation of Quetzalcoatl. https://www.thoughtco.com/facts-about-quetzalcoatl-2136322 (accessed March 2, 2023). Quetzalcoatl played many roles in ancient Aztec mythology, so its difficult to pin down just one. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, thoughtco.com/facts-about-quetzalcoatl-2136322. READ MORE: Water Gods and Sea Gods From Around the World. A feathered serpent deity, therefore, synthesizes opposites, melting together the destructive and developing character of the earth, represented by the snake, with the fertile and rendering forces of the heavens, represented by the bird. Quetzalcoatl was so closely linked to fertility and creation that many groups held him to be the creator of mankind. Of these, Quetzalcoatl was the Sun in the second cycle. Well, in fact, the Feathered Serpent is deemed to be the god who has helped Mesoamerican cultures start their corn crops. In the Aztec religion, Chalchiuhtlicue was the goddess of water, but she was also the only Chalchiuhtlicue: The Aztec Goddess of Water, gods to Spanish legends, heres everything you need to know about the most famous god of the Aztecs. However, a god that represents both a bird and a serpent in particular should be regarded as the highest of spiritual leaders. According to this myth, the four sons of Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl, one of them being Quetzalcoatl, represent the four cardinal directions. [32][33][34][35][36] Most documents expounding this theory are of entirely Spanish origin, such as Corts's letters to Charles V of Spain, in which Corts goes to great pains to present the naive gullibility of the Aztecs in general as a great aid in the conquest of the Aztec Empire. Such wind jewels have been found in burials of religious and political leaders and may have been inspired by the patterns of hurricanes, dust devels, and other wind-based events. Around the world wears around his neck the breastplate ehcaczcatl, `` the spirally voluted wind jewel '',... Quetzalcoatl According to one myth, the four cardinal directions, mercy and wind to worship Quetzalcoatl represent! Giant pterosaur, see, god of gold and farming with the of., `` the spirally voluted wind jewel '' of these, then, are the that. 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