It was mostly devoted to cataloging the misdeeds and illegal activities of mostly terminally online people, but sometimes included celebrities. The initialed criminal on bail, knows where all the bodies and bribes are buried. Some features on this site require a subscription. Loyal readers know that when a major event in Hollywood happensor sometimes even beforeEnty will start revealing any blind items he previously posted about it. Please support their channel with a subscription, its extremely high quality intellectual discussion (plus memes). / Sign up for Verge Deals to get deals on products we've tested sent to your inbox daily. Enty also says he was friends with actress Amber Tamblyn when she lived in LA, and sent along a poem and a 2007 handwritten FedEx receipt supposedly from Tamblyn as proof. Gossip fans and QAnoners share a core belief: that behind closed doors, celebrities are doing unspeakable things. But when you are a supplier and predator to kids in entertainment that is what happens. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They skipped ahead through it for some reason in the RX video. Like rabbits. Readers guessed that the tidbit could only have come from Jennifer Lawrence, and like so much of what lives on CDaN, trying to determine the truth is akin to proving a negative: impossible. Run by someone who refers to himself as Enty, a self-described entertainment lawyer, CDANs items are craftily created in a way that leaves you guessing and with a nagging sense of uncertainty. A big swirling bucket of the latest rumors, celebrity news and Hollywood gossip. Was there a Biblical component to Isaac Kappys demise? Thats because Hollywood divorce attorneys have more than enough practice massaging even the most rancorous of splits. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. He says he wont out anyone, he wont talk about peoples children, and he publishes kindness items about stars who do charitable acts sans publicity: Its this whole culture of, Oh, I have to stay in front of the cameras, he says. By signing up you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. While many of these blogs still boast enormous readerships Lainey Gossip enjoys over 1.5 million unique visitors per month, as of 2016 they have nevertheless been rendered less profitable by the newer version of the internet. Tomato seed size can vary greatly and the smallest ones may not even germinate. Theyre brilliant. He has blocked the actress and her phone numbers from all his phones. Plus, they all have taken photos of her. Everyone used the SpongeBob meme font, but it wasnt a way to make fun of people; it was jUsT hOw PeOpLe TaLkEd aBoUt ThEmSelVes. Crazy Days and Nights (, commonly referred to as CDAN) has been around for over a decade and garners millions of page views per months. I don't care about access. The reasons vary, but the results make these blogs a unique little time capsule corner of the internet. #2 - This former A list superhero who is also an Oscar winner/nominee and this three named actress and a now dead alliterate actress. When he was in town and they hooked up, he would sometimes stay over., If you thought payola in the streaming services and radio was bad, let me tell you about another form of payola, only this one could get you killed. Crazy Days And Nights. After recently noticing that a salacious post was removed from a CDAN competitors site, and subsequently hearing that site may have been served with a Cease and Desist as impetus for that removal, I had to wonder how Enty manages to avoid lawsuits himself. Heated and colorful conversation is encouraged, but anything and anyone crossing the line may be deleted without notice. When you think of the people who love QAnon, devouring those drops, thats what they love. Once you start perusing the CDAN site, it can become awfully addictive, so consider yourself forewarned! Michael Aquino Dead. So, why hasnt he been sued yet? Even those that redesigned are still louder, tackier, and more swollen than their more contemporary counterparts. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Oh, she doesn't know about the other phone? Hello and thank you for registering. Thanks to SB & Jim at RX Only Pictureshow for letting me use these clips. Paragraphs in which the text changes color two or three or eight times for no reason at all. Neon text on black backgrounds. The Timmy/Shimmy blind was fun while it lasted but the reveal was so bogus, readers left the site in droves. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Those are stories that either Ive personally encountered, or somebody is an amazing source, or one of my friends, or somebody where I know exactly where they work, or what they would have seen. It turns out that the website alluded to the Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein stories, bringing them to many readers attention well-before the accounts became news and #MeToo started trending. The CEO of one of the world's largest banks is going to have to sit for a deposition about why he personally intervened and allowed the dead billionaire pedophile to keep operating and moving money across borders without any repercussions or forms sent to the government. Whos Really Pulling the Strings on Stars Social-Media Accounts. What types of stories are you currently working on? Acti-Sol Hen Manure is one popular product that has been used with success by experienced, Tips for Successful Tomato Farming in Hot and Humid Climates, Tomato farming in hot and humid climates can be a challenge, but with the right preparation and care, you can still have a successful harvest. Which get the least? click ACCEPT. What makes a good blind item is if you only have two or three possibilities, not 100, he explained. Speaking of comics, this standup comic who still has 99% support among male comics despite the sexual assaults and statutory rapes, is about to be arrested. #LARPWars Part 6 Fox Sues Defango, Trevor, Thomas, Michael, 2019 Burning Man Post-Mission Synopsis (Sheriffs Report), #SDNY Update Dave Acton v Jason Goodman, CryptoBeast #25 The Vice of Kings with Special Guest Jasun Horsley, Isaac Kappy Investigation: Why I Am Walking Away, Play)A(Skool Co-Founder Found GUILTY, Faces 32 Years, A858 vs the Cat Ladies Part 2 Spooky Steven and The Game, Redpill78 Comfy Sunday with M3thods and White Hat. The look of a website is intentional and made by a well-paid committee. Ben Affleck stuff - true. To lose that might drive readers away. Many of us are looking for a relief from pastels. Billy Gibbons in Austin, right where he should be. The party kid celebrities of that era, with their Myspace pages, rehab stints . Enty insists hes not a Q follower, though he did admit to being familiar with Q lore. In the same building is a former co-star who is higher on the list. Rare Video of Early Burning Man at Baker Beach. In his first post from November 2006, he writes, I originally wanted to start this blog to try and share some stories about celebs from a side that is not usually talked about, and think it would be interesting for everyone. As this initial post intimates, the heart of Entys site is his readershiphe lives for the readers almost as much as they live for the drama. This is a community moderated forum. For about a three-year period, I tried WordPress and used servers and everything that goes with it. Everyone knows it's fan fiction. Part of HuffPost News. Visiting any one of them still has a Myspace feeling to it, which is at once gross and welcome. in addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the blog are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Craig's, There must be another big story or book being released because the wife of this A list actor is once again trying to pretend she and her family had nothing to do with the cult they are accused of having worked for and been a part of and really, still are to. Articles. I can't believe people actually believe the gossip posted at CDAN when the guy who runs the website has this disclaimer on his page: "CRAZY DAYS AND NIGHTS IS A GOSSIP SITE. Yes, he is still married to his wife and they will still be married when the IVF babies are delivered. When I realized that people were actually reading it, I wrote less and less about myself and more and more about celebrities and pop culture. And so, until libel laws catch up with the web, Enty will probably continue to reveal the answers to his scandalous blinds, celebrities and publicists afraid to deny them. Its really disturbing to see this right-wing conspiracy theory bullshit show up in gossip., Tomlin is hardly alone in thinking there might be some weird political agenda behind negative items about celebrities from the political left Chrissy Teigen, Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro. I dont care about made up satanism or pedo rings The very first post I read here was about Gary Busey trying to use gold doubloons as legitimate currency and tbh I would just like more of that please.. Crazy Days and Nights launched in 2006, and is the hotbed of allegations against Diana. Contact Katie Notopoulos at They just don't ever want to say anything bad about the A list mostly movie actor. Theres pleasure in that analytical puzzle solving, and that translates very easily from Save the Children or Q to Crazy Days and Nights.. Given that news lasts five minutes these days, sometimes the advice is: Dont do anything. And if a celebrity did sue, the onus would be on them: Theyd have to prove that the information was not only false but posted with malicious intent, and invite high-profile media coverage that would last longer than the most outrageous online rumor. It was like an ugly, forced cheerfulness or a party full of the absolute worst people youve ever met thats a little bit more fun than it should be, but one youll regret attending if you stay for more than 30 minutes. The drinking has got out of control with this one named singing legend. Blind items are a form of gossip where the actual name of the person is left out and some of the details are obscured. If this were true, it would be a first: a member of the Hollywood establishment turning on his own, revealing the subjects of old Hollywood gossip involving an aging matinee idol, a deceased movie star and a brutal rape. My readers are exceptionally smart, he says. Their full show is abelow, I recommend watching it in its entirety, they have some great callers. Enty, it turns out, handles wills and probate. Pure speculation: Was Kappy part of a secret society backing Trump? SAG Awards 2023 Red Carpet Fashion: See All the Looks, How Newsmaxs Cable-Fee Fight Spiraled Into the Rights Latest Censorship Crusade. It was a nightmare. I have no doubt whoever came up with Q has read my site at some point., Enty was the best until he got Q-pilled., I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal., Anna Wintour and Bob Marley had a secret baby together. Some like Old Hollywood. But there was a time recently when most of the internet was an accident, a thing people did while they were doing something else, a guilty pleasure. The reader photos are on top today. One of their blind items about Isaac Kappy referred to him as dancing boy. For the past 11 years, I have been writing blinds and telling stories about the people who do good in Hollywood, but also those that need to be exposed. Anne Helen Petersen, a historian of celebrity gossip (and former BuzzFeed News reporter), said its not surprising that the readers of Crazy Days and Nights might also follow QAnon, and vice versa. Everythings shaded in pastels; everything is baby showers, diet tips, or Z-List weddings.. When I first started the site, I mainly wrote for myself since I was the only one visiting it. The missing footage is from 6:16 to 8:58, from right when they are discussing Trumps connection to Plus Ultra. Oh, and the person most likely to be Himmm, according to Enty? Contraland: The First $2 Million YouTube Video? Which three named singer/celeb spawn of an A++ lister is developing a one woman show a la Carrie Fishers Wishful Drinking? There is no way on this earth that any of those tabloids would do anything to endanger the access to celebrities they think they need to survive. Isaac Kappy Part 6 - Who is the Great Man? There are several good choices, but there is only one correct choice. Multiple posts have accused Tom Hanks, a frequent Q target, of licentious behavior on a yacht belonging to Hollywood mogul David Geffen. I started the site one day when I was bored at work, he tells The Verge. isnt, and they end up giving me a blind., Depending on whom one asks, celebrity blind items are addictive at best, and libel at worst. Ive also had celebs write me who think a blind is about them but it isnt, and they end up giving me a blind., Enty operates with the belief that hes under minimal threat of legal repercussion, and hes used to publicists turning a blind eye to his items. They just had a BI that a aging movie star had a dead boy floating in her pool. Websites in the late 1990s and mid-00s didnt look like a minimalist office; they looked like a party thrown by a hideously uncool college student who had taken a lot of acid and then decorated their dorm. #1 - This foreign born permanent A list singer who actually was part of a group long ago, his last ex-wife and this A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and many decades younger than the singer. James cites his own longing for a less sanitized and smoothed-over internet: I do miss a time when there was a lot more snark when it came to coverage of celebrity. Its a longing that also contributed to his creation of a Tumblr in tribute to this recently past era. Email your photo to, Blind Items Revealed #8 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Blind Items Revealed #7 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Blind Items Revealed #6 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos, Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos. And thats not particularly surprising to Enty, the name under which CDaNs creator publishes. February 21, 2023This prolific baby maker/host would really like to do a project with his big pocketed ex so he could get some cash flow going. Crazy Days and Nights: An Interview with the Elusive 'Enty', King of the Blind Item. I was bored at work one day and realized I had some stories to share. A weird thing happened post-#MeToo where CDaN and old-school casting couch stuff, which has always been at the core of CDaN, crossed paths with QAnon, Troy McEady, cohost of the celebrity gossip podcast Beyond the Blinds, said. Mysterious, maybe?, The design feels iconic now, but perhaps only by virtue of the fact that nothing else looks like it anymore. The site has a well-earned reputation for being both prescient and endlessly entertaining, so it was hardly surprising that its devotees were irked by blind items that seemed to refer to QAnon, the collective delusion that (I cant believe Im writing this) a satanic cabal of Trump-hating, child-abusing, moneyed elites runs American politics and media. She was only A list, given her name recognition from being with Johnny Depp. Generally keep to the topics included in the blog. But when you flip through a current issue, its as hard-hitting as someones Pinterest feed. With an anonymous gossip site, you have to find out who registered it Entys domain is hidden and even then, the address could be hopping from computer to computer. Fermenting is a great way to separate viable from non-viable seeds as only the larger, viable, seeds will sink during rinsing. Gossip Bucket aggregates and streams the latest gossip news and headlines from the top sources in one place. Take it with a grain of salt, still, interesting. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. The thrill of vindication aside, Enty says his interest in celebrity is the same as anyones: behind-the-scenes access. But with QAnon, were seeing people say, OK, I dont believe in lizard people, but Im willing to believe theres a cabal.. Often, nostalgia is really just expressing that we miss a time when we were younger and had more of our lives ahead of us. Many of these sites, however, have never changed. Real Housewives fans probably wouldnt wear a horned bearskin headdress and carry a spear on a visit to Congress. Apparently it was part of their deal. The party kid celebrities of that era, with their Myspace pages, rehab stints, party hijinks, and coke habits, all fostered a minute-by-minute reporting to which the internet was far better suited than print tabloids. Robert Pattinson fans send in fake bis about Kristen Stewart, and Kristen Stewart fans send in fake bis about Robert Pattinson. It is a great little anecdote but at the most, this A- list actress offspring of someone who was once higher on the list, skipped drinking for one night before a shoot. In this clip Tracy shares some evidence why Hanks character in the Da Vinci Code Robert Langdon was a rip-off of her real life research. Facebook and Twitter are better and more efficient means of transmitting the same information. I guess this could be called Old Hollywood, but two of the three people are still alive. Courtroom porn and social media have turned innocent bystanders into a mass of mudslingers. Rubbish. I've been following Enty/Crazy Days and Nights for a few years and he must have gotten tips on this from multiple sources. James guesses that the relationship between the changing internet and these unchanged sites is simply a matter of practicality. Only some of this, he says, is true. Some like items from the 80's or 90's. About a dozen family members of the chairman of this beleaguered airline somehow managed to find seats on one of the company's planes and it wasn't late or canceled. These are the rules: No spam. Anyway, he vowed to never get married, but that was before, It looks as if the closeted north of the border singer was once again convinced by his team to sign a bearding contract. Unlike Enty, Elaine Lui of protects herself from litigation by never posting reveals and writing her blinds as riddles. She was in talks to star in a reality show with a a guy she calls her boyfriend and would marry in a second. This three named actress spent a bunch of money getting some work done to her face. (Sure, Ive seen some. The Juiciest Anonymous Gossip of 2017 Here are the best blind items of the year. At one point though, he heard about the oral techniques of another actress and dropped the alliterate actress. 2 comments 7 Posted by u/CDaNadmin 4 years ago Maybe the acting sister would like to speculate on how the cause of death manifested itself in her sibling. Therefore, he says, no celebrities are immune to being subjects on Crazy Days and Nights. If and when the timing is right, a CDAN blind gets its reveal - usually as the big event in Hollywood is happening, or just as the scandal is about to become news. This former Housewife will never be invited back because she called out the nominal person in charge for being the racist he is. According to public records, he is 43 and lives in Los Angeles. I think gossip readers each have the things they love the most. This foreign born actress had her big break in a mockumentary type film a few years back. Myspace was always yelling. To the QAnon deluded, it's pretty much the same thing. And whether intentional or not, its made the long-running blog a favorite of actual QAnon adherents who see it as reinforcing their elaborate shared delusion. Mulching is an effective way to keep the root zone cool and moist, while watering more frequently will also help keep the plant from getting too dry. Facing no repercussions for bad actions? Apparently, her kids were scared when they first saw her. This A- list actor is someone all of you know, but other than that very hit cable show, really has not done a lot. But viewed through a celebrity gossip lens, it seems to make a little more sense. Over the past 15 years or so, most gossip blogs have, like Enty, refused to update their design significantly. Brad Pitt Confirms Split from Angelina Jolie [Updated]. best of 2017 Dec. 14, 2017. One guy. Without a bunch of extra cash lying around, there is no reason to invest in fixing the design of something that already does what its meant to do. They do their best with what they have. No personal attacks. Claudette Colbert/RKO Pictures/Nancy Davis/Ronald Reagan. The two were on the same television show for years. I don't really work on stories in the sense of some type of timeline. Considering how much he has talked about PizzaGate, it is pretty fitting that this talking head was busted for sex trafficking because of a pizza box. Sat 12:15pm By ent lawyer. Tracy Twyman was very vocal in her criticism of Tom Hanks. Simone Biles/Cerebral/Prince Harry/BetterUp. Was Doubting Thomas the real target, with Kappy just a sacrificial pawn in a bigger game of 5th-Dimensional chess? Now, there is a theory that the child in FNAF 4 is the son of the Purple Guy, due to the purple fan and robot toy, and because he'd be an awful parent. The higher on the list actress was asked for help, but instead of helping, told the board to reject the other actress. How long do you leave your holiday decorations up? I have written in this space many times about the two factions of the gay mafia fighting for control in town. Does the celebrity sue? Thats the kind of thing I expose.. Its like stepping backward through the internet and emerging into the neon frontier town of cheerful hideousness that existed a decade ago. But in the Hollywood sexual harassment scandals, CDaN and Q found common ground: the real or imagined shitty behavior of powerful men. Online, Enty writes that hes an obese, thrice-divorced entertainment lawyer who lives in his parents basement, drinks heavily and networks with his famous clientele, who feed him his best items. Apparently, she and her celebrity significant other were headed to divorce, but now the world doesn't need to know that.Kellie Pickler/Kyle Jacobs, February 19, 2023This long time LA celeb restaurant which always has paps out front, has really gone downhill in the food department. There is the ancient faction, and then there is a much younger faction that feels like they will take over once the mogul dies. Us Weekly used to be the bible, there would be a serious effort that went into their stories back in the Janice Min days. I have been writing the site from day one. Not only so they have a job for themselves,. Back around Halloween he was supposedly busking in Northern California. Anyone who gets into contact with him passes away from drugs as if by magic. Award-Winning Sun Sugar Cherry Tomatoes: Reliable and Resilient, Perfect for Organic Gardening! It sure did give a big boost of publicity to both of them, but especially her. I am attempting to take cuttings from this plant so I can. This A- list rapper who will be paying settlements for years, is hooked on some new drug that he just can't stop taking. Additionally, watering daily with s, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, So Basically Crazy Days n Nights is a scam, I had no expectations. He never expected it to become a professional endeavor. I don't care about getting some nothing interview about the release of a record or a movie that tells you nothing but what you have agreed to beforehand with multiple layers of bureaucracy surrounding the celebrity. This in the news for a very bad thing design house has employees leaving in droves and despite the holiday season, their Miami location only had one customer all weekend. This athlete did not do any favors for his image, when he publicly mocked the serious mental health struggles that one of his nation's most beloved celebrities is going through. So, after a few days of flirting on the set a million miles from our partners, we decided f-- - it and we f---ed. Here they were playing the prerecorded video on a later show with Tracy there live discussing it with SB & Jem. They can track anything down anywhere and they will dig, and dig, and dig until they find the answer. The talk show host thinks that one of his best friends was thrown under the bus by the other host and has been trash talking the other host to anyone in the media who will print it. There is certainly no shortage of gossip sites on the internet now. It all indicates that Hollywood and the media have been punked duped by a soft-spoken probate lawyer with delusions of grandeur. Crazy Days and Nights launched in 2006, and is the hotbed of allegations against Diana.From claiming that she was a close friend of Jeffrey Epstein's, to adding fuel to the fire with allegations related to Room 23, "Enty Lawyer" has cornered the market on sharing rumors about Diana.As Diana's said, she has enough money to get to the bottom of the gossip, and all the time in the world to . Maybe Tracy wanted to keep the Plus Ultra details as subscriber-only information. Pastels are tasteful minimalism, the sort of color scheme that might grace a professionally maintained website. It has never had the name recognition of peers from the mid-aughts like Perez Hiltons blog, but it has a loyal cult following among gossip fans. The gossip-consuming public is thus all the more eager to see its favorite stars laid bare before them. I like these little tiny victories, even if only loyal readers know.. He typically passes on political tips and will post one only if its celeb adjacent, or if its somebody both sides want to talk about, like Matt Gaetz., Enty has a more professional quibble with QAnon: the quality of the drops. The premier celebrity gossip app. Katie Notopoulos is a senior technology reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York. Having a "girlfriend" gets people drawn into him and his story and he can claim new music was, The actor who is the most obvious choice for baby daddy of the children of the writer/actress/producer has been really screwing with the media as of late, by implying that he has something important to announce and then dancing around the whole thing. One place the sort of color scheme that might grace a professionally maintained website of our.... They find the answer creator publishes media have been punked duped by a well-paid committee '... For a relief from pastels to take cuttings from this plant so i can being DL... Separate viable from non-viable seeds as only the larger, viable, seeds will sink rinsing. Scared when they are discussing Trumps connection to plus Ultra details as subscriber-only information tested sent to your inbox.... Tomato seed size can vary greatly and the smallest ones may not even germinate sites. 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