What to buy? They have to if they want to manufacture etc. in political science. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Lastly, as to those still clinging to Trump, I have found their minds shut to reality and critical thinking. That came in handy for me when the lights went out during Hurricane Irma. I live near several U-Pick farms and have my own fruit trees plus a little garden. Remember the right move is to plan for this to last for years and at the end of it (and there will be an end) when things return to the normal rules and strategy your goal is to be better positioned to play the game. And if you have a strategy is it enough? The markets will be hectic. This page was last edited on 19 October 2021, at 23:00. The United States will fare OK as long as the populace wises up and begins to elect the right people. If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. While the current crash started at the end of 2018, the year of 2019 will probably be the one that is most remembered in history books as the beginning of Great Depression 2.0. Survive and pay attention. I had only been writing economic analysis for about a year, but I remember thinking that the overt display of optimism felt like compensation for something. will announce insolvency. The latest announcement of Theresa Mays resignation seems to indicate that this will be the case, and that a no-deal scenario is the most probable scenario. Now the stimulus phase of the globalist agenda is over. There is no one way it is stacked and even those ways are changed constantly. He is a Republican . The rise of the populists in Europe and the US at the exact same time that central banks are withdrawing liquidity and at the exact same time that fundamentals are plummeting is yet another unlikely coincidence. Melbourne Storm utility Brandon Smith plays rugby league in a way which inspires multiple nicknames. Of course, that doesnt mean that places like Russia, China or the Saudis have anything much better to offer the common man, but at least it means that there wont be one centralized global power. Unfortunately, thats not how economics works. Marine Le Pens National Rally Party has overtaken Macrons LREM party in the EU parliamentary elections. Maybe you could share your view with us from time to time, what you expect for europe in the short and medium term. The Alternative Market Project was initially launched in 2010-2011 after he wrote for 4-5 years at Neithercorp.us. You also want to make sure that your physical cash is safe. A One-Time Donation (You choose the amount): A $5 Dollar bill, a 5 Euro bill, a few Pre-1965 silver dimes, or a booklet of Forever U.S. postage stamps sent in the mail also works! The US market is only 18% of Chinese exports, a sizable piece of the pie, but hardly a devastating blow to the Chinese economy should it be denied to them. Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold. Their only hope is for mild temperatures for the rest of the season. Sometimes a cat is just a cat! This website (Alt-Market.us), is the sister website to Alt-Market.com, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. This is because you may not and probably wont know when or if there is about to be a crash. It will, starting next month. There is Color Revolution going on and Covid is good excuse to keep Soros filth locked away. Chia reopening comes after US abandons regime change. While you could maybe buy something that would double in value in ten years wouldnt you much rather that it increased in value by ten fold? People do what is in their best interest. Dont believe it? Must be some kind of record in world history. Exactly, PrepperDoc..We love to wring our hands and throw dust on our heads. James Wesley, Rawles (JWR) is Founder and Senior Editor of SurvivalBlog, the original prepping /survival blog for when the Schumer Hits The Fan (SHTF). Banning gun accessories, loves Red Flag laws, hasnt done anything he claimed he would during the election, started wars he said he wouldnt get into and made fun of that hag Clinton for wanting to get into, is talking about illegally banning suppressors like he illegally did with bump stocks, and is going to illegally and unilaterally give more money to the tyrannical Saudi Arabia (queers, pedophiles, satan worshipers, and child murderers Yemen). Loading up on canned beans, tuna fish, canned vegetables, rice, peanut butter, preserves and jams are much healthier choices and will cost your family a whole lot less. Historically, a rare and quite stunning development. Too long a case to make he but I am heavily influenced by Pat Buchanans work Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War. And I give it 50/50 that FDR allowed Pearl Harbor. Skill level? If the financial elites pulled the plug and the entire world economy collapsed, those financial elites would lose an enormous part of their wealth and control. The Fed is no longer playing ball with the Globalists. A sequel in the Suburban Defense series. I prefer your take than that of Tom Luongo who is convinced that the Fed is the white hat fighting to save us from Davos. Almost every conspiracy thought of has already occurred in the past to some extent. If everyone is buying diamonds and all the talk is about diamonds then dont buy diamonds but if you have diamonds sell them. But keep in mind, as I outlined and evidenced in my recent article America Will Lose The Trade War Because That Is What Globalists Want To Happen, the trade war itself is a farce on both sides of the Pacific, as both China and the US are controlled by the same financial power centers (such as the Bank for International Settlements). There are some layers of truth but the fact is we dont know anything about the global stage and what They are planning. Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! There is kind of a ying and yang to this. It now reaches more than 320,000 unique visitors weekly. Hamburger meat has more than doubled in price since 2020. At face value it doesnt make any sense. in political science. Not necessarily because the rich are taking everything, which is another popular belief (and these things will be reinforced by the media so you must be strong in your conviction to not be lead astray). Works at his mother's (Chris Wilson) theatre and acting school in Houston, Texas. This is when cracks began to appear in the credit structure, with 4.5% 5.5% being the magic cutoff point before debt became too expensive for the system to continue the charade. Oil prices in the US are being kept down by Joe Bidens constant supply dumps from the strategic reserves. Thats right your computer solitaire has been stacking the deck even before it ever offered different skill levels. It is now openly admitted by recently retired British Army, Gen. Mark Carleton-Smith that UK special forces (SAS) are on the ground in Ukraine leading Ukrainian troops. People realized that they could grow a certain amount of their own food, and can and preserve a lot of it to get through the winters. [12] Smith scored a 0.088 on a breath test. European markets will tank and certain major banks (Deutsche Bank and Italian majors?) By the February meeting of 2023 the Fed will be at or very near 5% interest rates, which I believe will help trigger a considerable plunge in markets and mass layoffs. The 1% excise tax added on top of a 5% Fed funds rate creates a 6% millstone on any money borrowed to finance future buybacks. War with Iran at this time makes no sense whatsoever unless you look at it from a globalist perspective. China has yet to fully retaliate against the latest increase in US tariffs. I told you so! when one of their myriad predictions actually happens. He specializes in macroeconomic analysis as well as studies in mainstream media disinformation, and is now focusing on the creation of a national network of barter markets designed to . Sounds like several good reasons to stock up on gold and silver! Even experts who are well-educated in economics have a hard time accurately predicting future trends, but they are all excellent at saying See? A loaf of bread American-style bread is about 7 dollars. So, we're testing the waters. (This means we have a 50-50 chance of survival). The fallout would be catastrophic, but there are still things everyday Americans can do to protect themselves 05 Oct 2022 Our mail forwarding address is: James Wesley, Rawles Thank you for this article Brandon, as always thourougly written. Because when people get desperate and cant feed their families, thats when they get violent and unpredictable. Tons to do and no time to loose. Chinese Spy Balloons: Potential Purposes For The High Altitude Invasion, Next Issue Of The Wild Bunch Dispatch: Emergency Medical Preps For Grid Down Scenarios, A Dollar Collapse Is Now In Motion Saudi Arabia Signals The End Of Petro Status, Banking Institutions Quietly Admit To Inevitable Recession Implosion In 2023, The Gas Stove Scare Is A Fraud Created By Climate Change Authoritarians, The Digitization Of Humanity Shows Why The Globalist Agenda Is Evil. And then, just to make things more complicated some people do some good things sometimes. Murdering. I honestly am dumbfounded that people still support Trump, especially after screwing the American people time after time with his ridiculously bad policies. But if you cant keep a fairly advanced society stitched together, you can forget it when you blow out a diverticulum, or need cancer treatment, or have a small bowel obstruction things that happen to many! If you know jewelry then buy jewelry, again knowing that it wont appreciate until after the recovery. I suggest buying a Sun Oven, a manual flour mill and a half dozen buckets of hard white winter wheatman does not live by bread alone, but it certainly makes life better. Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to Cabalist Jewish bankers who are expanding their monopoly over credit and currency creation into a monopoly over literally everything. Brandon Mychal Smith (born 1989), American actor Brandon Smith, Los Angeles based musician, producer and the creator of The Anix, former member of Apoptygma Berzerk See also [ edit] Brendan Smith (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles about people with the same name. I successfully predicted the outcome of the Brexit vote in 2016 based on this theory, and it still holds true so far today. The reason why these analysts got it so wrong centers primarily on their misunderstanding of the true purpose behind the events. Im an American in Paris. But for the correct opponents. Still quite the newbie, but not as green as back then; communications is a specialty of mine, as well as medical. There, This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at Birch Gold Group As the Federal Reserve continues its, By Brandon Smith In the past I have often tried to take a big picture approach to the issues facing, By Brandon Smith In recent weeks Ive been seeing an interesting narrative fallacy being sold to the general public when. This website (Alt-Market.us), is the sister website to Alt-Market.com, which Brandon is keeping up as an archive site for people that would like to read all of my older articles. Thats why thousands of Americans are moving their retirement into a Gold IRA. I agree that there are global forces at work to take down the USA. Get out of line and the robots will come after you. Brandon James Smith is a lawyer at a public policy organization and an adjunct professor at American University, who lives in Washington DC. Not to mention creating tariffs, which is anti-free trade, and ultimately is just another tax (there goes that tax cut he made which will cause inflation via national debt). Well than, you miss playing the king. Maybe you have a method you follow to gain an advantage. The narrative for an economic collapse rivaling that of the Great Depression has been set, and the root circumstances are very similar. The globalists will fail albeit not before there is a lot of blood spilt. If you know real estate then look for good bargains. I agree. Looks like This does not look good.. Its pretty obvious that the European kettle is about to reach boiling point. Biblical End Times are an explanation. I could continue and walk back further and further in history. Life goes on you get some breaks and you lose out on some breaks but there is always someone doing better and youre not sure why. However, the Fed has stopped printing money they are doing it on purpose to create a crash. Its a good point about the Covid Stimulus in relation to the job market here in the US. In a way I think that should motivate people to prep more than the Big Conspiracy. SPECIAL NOTE: Alt-Market is now on Twitter! 2021 was the year that cryptos had their moonshot moment, Surely you have noticed that our borders are being overrun by invaders hell-bent on completing the plunder of former Americas wealth and destruction of its culture. The MSM is the most discredited and shameless industry in the world, and this revealing compilation is irrefutable proof of that. Sure, there will be moments when the markets rally based on nothing more than a word or two from a Fed official planting false hopes, but this will become rare. When computer solitaire first came out it had one version. Brandon Smith, founder of Alt-Market, a website to educate the public on facts, evidence and philosophies that the mainstream establishment refuses to discuss in an honest way. View history Brandon D. Smith (born June 14, 1967) is an American businessman from Hazard, Kentucky who serves in the Commonwealth of Kentucky Senate. Without this you probably wont be successful in the second phase of this game. The tariff soap opera and most of Trumps other foreign and domestic policies are eerily similar to those of Herbert Hoover just before the advent of the Great Depression. From Brandon Smith at alt-market.us: In July of this year in my article 'Election 2020: The Worst Case Scenario Is The Most Likely One', after I outlined the strange factors surrounding Biden and Trump, I stated that: "These factors and more lead me to predict that Election If you would like to support the work that Alt-Market does while also receiving content on advanced tactics for defeating the globalist agenda, subscribe to our exclusive newsletter The Wild Bunch Dispatch. But youre left with the nagging feeling that things should be better. He played college football at Penn State . Over the past decade, buybacks have been funded by money borrowed from the Fed at near zero interest essentially free money. Sovereignty activists will cheer the Brexit outcome, and then things will start to go horribly wrong. Thats the ticket. These 3 years: 2021,2022,2023 appeared in the Economists 2022 special edition(The World ahead 2022). The members of the General Assembly shall, in all cases except treason, felony, breach or surety of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance on the sessions of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House they shall not be questioned in any other place Smith's arrest occurred on the first day of the legislative session. Not sure what to think here. My belief is that Trump is the nemesis of the globalist and therefore must be stopped. Chances are that will not happen. When this happens the deck is stacked (and this means something different this time) but no play strategy seems to be a winner in fact every conventional strategy will assure greater losses. High energy prices and supply chain disruptions will mean ongoing inflated prices in goods and services well into 2023, even with a contraction in jobs markets and stock markets. In economics these are called recessions or depressions or economic crashes or bubbles bursting, etc. Authored by Alt-Market's Brandon Smith, originally published at Birch Gold Group,A few weeks ago we reported the Fed was getting hawkish despite what they were calling "low inflation."In that article, we showed rates possibly being raised more than 4 times in 2019. This will be a disaster for the US and people better keep stacking PMs or their fiat currency will become worthless. As gold increases in value silvers rises 3 times as fast. Bottom line,God has the plan. . US M2 money supply growth has been decelerating and is hovering near 10 year lows, while stimulus measures have evaporated in most countries except China. The Globalists hate and fear him and who he represents, and work relentessly to destroy him. The US/China conflict has the potential to become an economic world war, with multiple countries beginning to take sides. Organized crime. As I noted in my article The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow, published in May: Mainstream financial commentators want to believe the Fed will capitulate because they desperately want the party in stock markets to continue, but the party is over. I dont have time to analyze all of the claims, but let me point out a few things: 2020 was the year of the planned COVID scamdemic, The dust bowl contributes a great deal to what people think happened, compared to what did happen. Can we call the turning point in a market, or any complex system, especially that not built and control by our own hand? So what do you do before the crash and after to win. What better way to stop him than linking him to the bad guys by an author who only wants to help us all understand the truth as he sees it? Prepare. He is a lying New York Leftist, always has been, not a Christian, a bad business man with connections (making his money from government programs like Musk does), and has openly supported every leftist view there is up until he started running for president as a Republican. Surely the Financial Faux gods Among Us know that day is coming. By Brandon Smith Alt-Market.us, Brandon Smith | LewRockwell.com At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had little to no information on the details surrounding the outbreak in Wuhan, China and what kind of virus the world might be facing. https://vernoncoleman.org/articles/third-all-jobs-will-disappear-2030-how-safe-your-job. He is the owner of Mohawk Energy, a small mining company based in Lexington; the company is unrelated to the Texas fracking supply corporation by the same name. Whether you read the Bible or not, it is always good to be prepared for anything you think might happen. Of course your focus is on the usa, but your clear view refers to the entire world, so you will also know whats going on here. Stay alive, stay healthy and be ready for the next phase. Canned goods and dry foods are the way to go and NO you dont have to spend a fortune. Amen. So what is the strategy? Nobody will dispute that. A New Russian Offensive In Spring. Yes, the dust bowl was very bad for Oklahoma, the Texas Panhandle, and for Kansas, which relocated a lot of people elsewhere. Nor is it Trumps intention to undermine globalist structures or agreements in order to bring back American manufacturing (a carrot that has been flaunted in front of American faces for a long time to lure them into supporting destructive policies such as dollar devaluation). He is married to Margaret Laurence. Also, keep in mind that demand is not the only determinant of oil prices The decline of the dollar can also drive up prices regardless because oil is sold internationally in dollars. . But think about it. . Because Trump aint buying into the globalist appetite. That is you dont necessarily want it in the bank when it crashes because the bank will shut their doors and will be required to pay off debtors and depositors under an emergency condition and you may get nothing back. https://alt-market.us/is-the-pussification-of-americas-youth-scientifically-engineered/, The One Assured Outcome After The Election In the weeks and months leading up to the crash you want to reduce/eliminate debt, get out of most equity investments convert to a mostly cash position. During the great depression you could buy a gold pocket watch for enough money to feed a family for a couple of days. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/12/08/expect-more-widening-of-the-ukraine-conflict/. Sometimes, if youre competitive, you are really into beating the game. Mini Bio (1) Brandon Smith was born on August 13, 1952 in Harris County, Texas, USA. Use your head and buy what you know and understand. His survivalist novel Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse, is a modern classic that reached #3 on the New York Times bestsellers list. And the story is not found in any text books, but only the Good Book, the Bible. They also learned something that has been forgotten by too many. Jorge Newbery / BUENOS AIRES ARAEP Arquata Scrivia ITARQ Arques FRARQ Arquota ITAQU Arrabury AUAAB Arraias BRAAI Arrancudiaga ESARR Arras FRARR Arrecife de Lanzarote ESACE Arrigorriaga ESARA Arrington GBARR Arroyo/Guayama PRARR Arsiero ITARS SEARS SEARD Arsuk GLJRK Artand HUART Arteijo ESARJ Artes ESATS Artesia USATM USATS Arthabaska CAART . The strikes are worthless because if their demands for salary increases were to be approved, it would only serve to further increase inflation. It is too good a weapon against We the People. Learn how you can too with a free info kit on gold from Birch Gold Group. The Fed Is Taking The Punch Bowl Away But The Inflation Crisis Will Continue To Grow. The panic felt in 2008 will return and hit the EU and the UK hard, and the Brexit movement will get the blame while central banks escape any culpability. Layered over this I see incompetence. Solar power, water at least 2 ways, food storage, and gradually succeeding at real crops. 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: The 2016 US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION contest between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton revealed much more than just a presidential winner, it exposed how the Marxist MAINSTREAM MEDIA mob -- and the LEFT-WING PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL followers of SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM that politically control the media, attempted to sway the election in favor of Clinton because she . This would be shockingly difficult. If you know the market and can pick out those companies that will weather the depression and the price is a bargain then buy some. Background [ edit] Born in Hazard, Smith is a 1991 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a B.A. (The ENRON tapes are a great example if you have never heard them.) In fact, I am off to my local Aldis later today to stock up on more stuff. Keep up the comments like this as it helps everyone who reads them to stay focused and not to get distracted. . July 14, 2022 By Brandon Smith The idea that there is an agenda for global government among the financial and political elites of the world has long been called a "conspiracy theory" within the mainstream and the establishment media. Well, someone is stacking the deck and they are giving the rubes (those who just turn over the cards of life and play what seems obvious) a lot of losing hands. Mr. Smiths theories are an explanation. Another tip is loading up on a small butane camper stove and stocking up on butane refills. This would put our time frame for contraction around March or April of 2023. All that sin stuff. In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse. The only event that was needed to fulfill the populist takeover narrative was a major win by a nationalist party on the European mainland. The trooper reported that he immediately smelled alcohol on Smith's breath when he approached the car. From a person who didnt own a single firearm prior to Mr. Obama.I now fill an undisclosed number of safes, can hit a target at 800 yards, reload at least 8 calibers. The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably wont be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if its not bad enough). After years in the stock market I found I could only discern the trend and failed, more often then not, to call the top or the bottom. He returns to talk his theory behind the train crash in Ohio, Russia going on the offensive in Ukraine, Chinese spy balloons, his article "A Dollar Collapse Is Now In . Inflation and EU community policies are destroying most peoples ability to survive, and that includes businesses. The Fed is expected to slow rate hikes to 50bps in December, but this is not assured with the jobs market still running hot from $8 trillion in covid stimulus the past two years (mostly lower paying retail and service sector jobs). And that right there is the key. It is a different game, different rules, different deck, everything is different. JWR is a journalist, technical writer, and novelist. This part of the game plays out over many months to years and you will have lots of moves/opportunities to make mistakes. I fully agree, great article. I remember in 2007 right before the epic derivatives collapse when media pundits were applauding the US housing market and predicting even greater highs in sales and in valuations. I have noticed all those things certainly. Whats wrong with George Noory late at night?!?! When it does, the attack will be far larger than cutting off purchases of US agricultural goods. Dont believe it? As this Kabuki theater moves forward, I think many analysts will find themselves shocked as more and more nations start taking Chinas side in the conflict. Ok here is where it becomes difficult to accept. We can argue the details, pound our points into table tops, pose new questions and debate endlessly about the time of our demise, only to miss the mark and exhaust ourselves. They have the perfect excuse to kill the economy and kill markets in the form of a stagflationary disaster THEY CAUSED. You try and tell people this and they look at you as if youre a nutter but this is the reality. JBH, you say (below) you have been watching since the 70s. Beyond this, the distraction would be epic and very effective. I dont think they will stop buying food because we stopped buying a few Chinese parasols. Bill Holter and Rob Kirby say no way. Moyie Springs, Idaho 83845. I have bags of flour inside plastic bags in my freezer. US citizens are generally much softer today than they were in the 1920s. There will be times, cyclical events where the game is turned upside down. Look at Venezuela for how it might proceed and plan accordingly. In other words, if centralization is the problem, then decentralization is the answer. So, were testing the waters. The goal posts will forever move away from them. His record is arguably the best of any political/economic analyst today. Borrowed from the Fed has stopped printing money they are planning learn how you can too a! Good to be prepared for anything you think might happen least 2 ways, storage! Buybacks have been funded by money borrowed from the strategic reserves will fare OK as long as populace. The Financial Faux gods Among US know that day is coming these analysts got so. 19 October 2021, at 23:00 is too good a weapon against the... 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