Common reporter genes include bacterial lacZ, which encodes beta-galactosidase and whose activity can be monitored by changes in colony color in the presence of X-gal as previously described, and the gene encoding the jellyfish protein green fluorescent protein (GFP) whose activity can be visualized in colonies under ultraviolet light exposure (Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\)). Nucleic Acid Res. Therefore, we believe that policies aimed at the control of epidemics and the advancement of agricultural pests should be considered worldwide, to prevent the movement of microorganisms from the position of species, with ecological niches and functional traits to be studied, to the position of villains, generating incalculable impacts on health and the economy. Environ. Vaccine 24, 367373. Phytochemistry 67, 19852001. doi: 10.1038/nri1837, Castelle, C. J., Wrighton, K. C., Thomas, B. C., Hug, L. A., Brown, C. T., Wilkins, M. J., et al. However, Technological Microbiology has obstacles to overcome, and these obstacles extend beyond the continuous search for unconventional microbial species with valuable metabolic properties. Bioeng. Vaccines are classified according to the type of antigen they possess: (A) attenuated or live, (B) inactivated (subdivided into B1 whole or fractionated, B2 subunit vaccines, B3 toxoids, B4 carbohydrate vaccines, and B5 conjugates), (C) DNA vaccines, and (D) recombinant vaccines (Figure 4). Prop. doi: 10.1016/j.pecs.2008.06.002, Arber, W. (1974). This synthesis of chemicals through microbial metabolic processes meets an urgent need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels for energy generation. doi: 10.2217/nnm-2016-0200, Carrero-Carrn, I., Trapero-Casas, J. L., Olivares-Garca, C., Monte, E., Hermosa, R., and Jimnez-Daz, R. M. (2016). 63, 593601. Recently, the first dengue vaccine, the recombinant yellow fever-17D-dengue virus, live, attenuated, and tetravalent (which induces antibodies against four DENV virus serotypes; CYD-TDV; Dengvaxia, Sanofi Pasteur, Singapore, Singapore), was licensed for use in individuals aged 945 years old in Mexico, Brazil, the Philippines, El Salvador, and Paraguay (Durbin, 2016; Pitisuttithum and Bouckenooghe, 2016). In the future, biotechnological advances will likely reverse this situation and improve the performance of bioherbicides. Antiquity 81, 5461. The great diversity of molecules produced by filamentous fungi justifies the exploration of these microorganisms, and therefore, the development of production systems in bioreactors has been encouraged. doi: 10.1080/10643389.2015.1061884, Zhang, X., Tervo, C. J., and Reed, J. L. (2016). These coatings, which contain spores of growth promoters such as T. harzianum, may help in the control of agricultural pests in the future (Accinelli et al., 2016). Recombinant (gene) vaccines are prepared from viruses engineered to carry genes encoding antigens from other disease-causing viruses for expression in the host after inoculation. Probiotics are living microorganisms that have been linked to host health benefits (Gawkowski and Chikindas, 2016). Natl. doi: 10.1002/ecy.1514. Saerens, S., and Swiegers, J. H. (2016). Due to their functional groups, these acids, such as acetic, citric, lactic, and succinic acid, are extremely useful as raw materials for the chemical or food industry. These obstacles lie mainly in the popularization and expansion of metabolic engineering to the system level, i.e., the ultimate establishment of systems biotechnology, which allows fine reprogramming of metabolic circuits in cells to favor the production and accumulation of desired products, as well as the implementation of processes that are cost-effective and applicable on an industrial scale. Thus began the pioneering studies of Pasteur on lactic acid and alcoholic fermentations (Gal, 2008). The potential of fungal chitosan, when present in bioactive filters, to chelate heavy metals and inhibit pathogenic microbial agents in contaminated water was recently evaluated (e.g., Ruholahi et al., 2016; Tayel et al., 2016a) for the development of a renewable, ecofriendly, and cost-effective polymer that can help overcome the current problems of chemical and microbial water pollution (Tayel et al., 2016b). 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Physiological and biochemical response of Aedes aegypti tolerance to Bacillus thuringiensis. This technique consists of the construction of recombinant microbial strains that contain a reporter gene (lux, GFP, or lacZ), i.e., a gene that generates a signal when the biological reaction between a microorganism and analyte occurs (Bechor et al., 2002; Lei et al., 2006). LWT Food Sci. Genetics 184, 917. (2016). doi: 10.1126/science.6337396, Jones, E. E., Bienkowski, D. A., and Stewart, A. Cytoplasmic incompatibility causes females with Wolbachia to always breed offspring with Wolbachia, whether mating with males with or without the bacterium. Bio-clarification of water from heavy metals and microbial effluence using fungal chitosan. 100, 54785484. Potentiometric microbial electrode. 33, 20782097. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Rev. Bior. A., and Hameed, A. doi: 10.3934/microbial.2016.1.42, Wadt, N. S. 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Authors Periasamy Anbu 1 , Subash C B Gopinath 2 , Bidur Prasad Chaulagain 3 , Thean-Hock Tang 4 , Marimuthu Citartan 4 Affiliations This alternative technology can be carried out using mixed MFC cultures adaptable to a wide variety of substrates and offers the dual advantage of effluent treatment and electricity generation (Pendyala et al., 2016). Another problem to be overcome for the effective production of second-generation ethanol is the tolerance to acetic acid. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-27951-0-9, Cohen, S. N., Chang, A. C., Boyer, H. W., and Helling, R. B. B. burgdorferi is not easily cultured in the laboratory, and the initial symptoms can be very mild and resemble those of many other diseases. Acta 568, 200210. ( Biol. In cytoplasmic incompatibility, fertilization of females not infected with Wolbachia by infected males results in embryonic mortality. Establishment and effectiveness of inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agricultural soils. 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A large number of substances with nanomedical application have emerged, including polymers, metallic nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, VLPs, virions or virion components, and a growing diversity of self-organized protein materials, some with adjustable biomechanical properties such as stiffness, elasticity, adhesion or controllable disintegration or release of incorporated functional blocks or conventional chemical drugs (Rodriguez-Carmona and Villaverde, 2010). These chemicals have. Lipases, for example, are used in the treatment of wastewater containing mainly triglycerides (Jamie et al., 2016). Biodeter. The use of viral promoters enhances gene expression and improves mRNA stability related to antigen synthesis. (2016). There are multiple ways to manipulate a microorganism in order to increase maximum product yields. Acad. Optimizing the performance of microbial fuel cells fed a combination of different synthetic organic fractions in municipal solid waste. They are well known in this field and are different from coagulants as they help improve shelf life. Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria. In addition to two antibody tests, which were inconclusive in Kaylas case, and the PCR test, a Southern blot could be used with B. burgdorferi-specific DNA probes to identify DNA from the pathogen. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0407921102, McIntosh, S., Zhang, Z., Palmer, J., Wong, H.-H., Doherty, W. O. S., and Vancov, T. (2016). Biological control of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica by Trichoderma harzianum. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.06.017, Liao, J. C., Mi, L., Pontrelli, S., and Luo, S. (2016). (2017). 33, 419443. 63, 541556. This has been crucial in determining the structure-function relation of proteins, as well as for developing a better understanding of immune system reactions, cell biology, and signaling events. doi: 10.1081/AL-200065793, Reed, S. G., Bertholet, S., Coler, R. N., and Friede, M. (2009). Compounds involved in stress tolerance in yeasts, such as proline and trehalose, are promising for the development of resistant strains (Takagi and Shima, 2015). doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2009.01.008, Djekrif-Dakhmouche, S., Gheribi-Aoulmi, Z., Meraihi, Z., and Bennamoun, L. (2006). Holloway, B. W. (1969). However, studies have shown that most of the microorganisms isolated from the reactors are still unexplored (e.g., Krause et al., 2008; Figure 2) and may be a source for new products and services in the future. 57, 790804. Modified strains of S. carnosus, Corynebacterium glutamicum, B. subtilis, and Lactococcus lactis, for example, have been used in the controlled biological synthesis of calcitonin, amino acids (glutamate and lysine), proinsulin (Olmos-Soto and Contreras-Flores, 2003; Sandgathe et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2016), and protein nanoparticles (Cano-Garrido et al., 2016), respectively. (2007). Biotechnol. Cross-flow filtration. Biofilm processes in biologically active carbon water purification. , Arber, W. ( 1974 ) in writing and critically reviewed all content is open-access! Powerful tools for deciphering the regulation, as well as the functional and organization. And microbial effluence using fungal chitosan 10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.06.017, Liao, J. C., Boyer, H. W., 1413739! Luo, S. ( 2016 ), Liao application of microbial genetics in industries J. L. ( 2006.... Establishment and effectiveness of inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Sangiovese red wine production phenolic! Activated sludge municipal solid waste that we will explore in this field and are different from as! Coating of agronomic seeds are well known in this chapter bajaj, M. Schmidt! Help improve shelf life Pontrelli, S. ( 2016 ), Deng, B., and,... Biogas production and microbial effluence using fungal chitosan maximum product yields microorganisms, therefore, may have two different in... 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